Question: During the bit were its raining sweets at the end, is that the music from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory?
Question: Why does Timmy wish for Christmas Every Day so he can get more toys? Couldn't he just ask Cosmo and Wanda for all the toys he wants?
Answer: He didn't wish for it just to get more toys. He did it because he enjoys all of the Christmas experience, including his Mom and Dad being able to stay home, and not having to be babysat by Vicki.
Foul Balled / The Boy Who Would Be Queen - S2-E7
Question: I want to make sure that what I'm thinking and what my little sister said is right: Trixie said she wanted to date a certain boy with a pink hat who isn't afraid to admit he liked "Kissy Kissy Goo Goo" and "Skull Squisher". But at her birthday party, when Timmy says these types of things, Trixie suddenly denies it. Why? (And to repeat, I want to make sure.).
Answer: Because Timmy is not popular. Even though that is what she really wants, she has her popular image to protect.
Answer: It's not the exact music but it is similar enough to be recognisable as the song 'Pure Imagination', sung by Gene Wilder in the original Willy Wonka movie.