Murder, She Wrote

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

6 plot holes - chronological order

(13 votes)

Sticks & Stones - S2-E10

Plot hole: When Beverly is killed the killer shuts off the main power switch which would have turned all the lights off in the house, not just those in the bathroom. (01:31:00)

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Suggested correction: He was being blackmailed by Gary Roberts. He "reopened" the case as a ruse to kill Roberts.


Magnum On Ice (2) - S3-E8

Plot hole: There were 3 gunshots. 1 from Magnum, 1 from the killer and 1 from the victim. Yet they arrest Magnum with checking the bullet striations. He would be declared innocent almost immediately. (00:17:00)

Brian Houghton 0c56

J.B. As in Jailbird - S5-E1

Plot hole: When Jessica is arrested for the murder of the enemy agent. Her purse is confiscated. It was reported stolen by Michael Haggerty. But throughout the whole show none of the cops looked at her ID. Besides that she's a famous women and someone at the police station would definitely know who she is.

Brian Houghton 0c56

Sing a Song of Murder - S2-E5

Revealing mistake: When the first scene at Emma's hideaway was shown, obviously the two characters Emma and Jessica were filmed seperately on the couch and then the film was put together (as both are played by Angela Lansbury). However Jessica did a lot of moving while she was talking, so Emma was looking straight across at where she had been, despite her bending down while she talked.

Dan Moat

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Answer: It was never revealed what caused Frank's death.


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