Starbuck: Starbuck to all Vipers. Do not fire! Repeat: Do NOT fire! I am a friendly, okay? We're all let's!

Battlestar Galactica (2003)
1 quote from season 2
Starring: Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos, James Callis, Jamie Bamber
Battlestar Galactica (2003 Miniseries) - Part 2 - S1-E2
Continuity mistake: In the last battle scene in the miniseries, above Ragnar, all the civilian ships Jump away and Commander Adama orders all the vipers to land inside Galactica's landing bay. At one point, Dualla reports that two vipers are still out in the fight - Starbuck and Apollo. When Starbuck pushes her viper and Apollo's towards the landing bay, there's a shot of one of the basestars firing a missile, which hits Galactica. In this scene, we can see (and hear) 3 vipers, one of which is firing at a Cylon raider in the distance. They couldn't be Starbuck or Apollo, since Starbuck's viper and Apollo's were joined together and the mystery vipers are not, nor are they any of the other pilots, since only Starbuck and Apollo's vipers were still out, as Dualla has stated.
Trivia: Season 1 Finale "Kobol's Last Gleaming Part 2" There is a fight between Tricia Heffler and Katee Sackoff, where the actresses decided to do their own stunts. Tricia threw Katee into a real vase, resulting in a large bruise. They both thought all the props around them were breakaway material.
Question: Shelley Godfrey is the real name of Number 6, (or one of them.) What are the numbers for Sharon Valerii, Aaron Doral and Leoben?
Answer: Sharon Valerii is Cylon Model #8, Aaron Doral is #5, and Leoben up to the end of season 3 has not been given a number.
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Answer: Cavil - 1 Leoben - 2 D'Anna - 3 Simon - 4 Doral - 5 Six - 6 Daniel - 7 (never seen) Sharon - 8 Then the Final Five that don't have numbers.