Inspector Grim: It's my arse on the line and I don't want a cock-up!
The Queen's Birthday Present - S1-E1
Inspector Fowler: And never forget. In the grand order of life there are but 2 forces. The force of Order and the force of Chaos. And in the middle. Us. The Thin Blue Line.
P.C. Goody: So 3 forces.
D.I. Grim: Cutting edge of technology? Cutting edge of fannying about I say! Whats wrong with a Biro? I've booted up, I've patched in, I'm online, I'm offline, I'm downloaded and extremely cheesed off!
D.C. Kray: You need to inter-grate your power at the source.
D.I. Grim: What?
D.C. Kray: You need to plug it in.
The Queen's Birthday Present - S1-E1
Inspector Fowler: I'd like to meet the man that could get into my trousers.
Answer: Inspector Grim later told Inspector Fowler that "a credit card belonging to you has been used to hire a car which was subsequently deployed in a drug deal", which implies the cards were taken prior to the morning briefing. As Fowler had been out before work to buy a present for the Queen, it's plausible he lost his card (s) then.
Neil Jones
Inspector Fowler stated that his wallet was stolen from him at the morning briefing.