Past Tense - S1-E4
Corrected entry: Tara the stripper steals the wallets of all five guys who originally died (and possibly of the survivor as well). However, it makes little sense for everyone's wallets to be in the suite's other room, evidently in their jackets. Most men carry their wallets in their pants pockets, especially in the presence of a stripper they'd likely want quick access to their cash. So they wouldn't leave them in their jackets in another room.
Corrected entry: Early in the episode, Tru says that one benefit of reliving days is that it can help her avoid wearing bad outfits. How, exactly? If she put it on in the first place, then she must have thought it looked good. Unless she expects someone to tell her anytime an outfit of hers is unattractive, reliving the day won't help.
Correction: Sometimes a woman puts an outfit on thinking it looks good. However, when they go out in public and by chance walk in front of a mirror or reflective window or even just looking down at yourself, you can start to not like the outfit anymore and wish you could change. (Personal experience here).
Corrected entry: When Tru has lunch with Harrison the second time she goes through the day, she tells him that it will rain at three. This is information she presumably has from the first iteration of the day. Three o'clock passes without comment, and without rain.
Correction: We don't actually see three o'clock on either day. A short summer rain would leave no evidence after an hour or so, and wouldn't be worth discussing, especially with a building burning down at five o'clock.
Corrected entry: The first time Tru goes through the day, there is a scene with her and Meredith unpacking glassware. The scene serves only to provide exposition about Tru's mother. But why are they unpacking glassware in a house that appears to be newly moved into? We haven't been told about anybody moving into a new house, and there's no reference to moving or the glassware before or after. It doesn't fit in properly at all.
Correction: Somebody moved, or bought new glassware, and we don't know who. This doesn't really seem like a mistake, just leaving out information that isn't really that important to the story.
Corrected entry: The first time the day happened, Paige's time of death is given as 4:31pm. If that's when she died, then Tru should have known right away that the death experiment wasn't what originally killed her, since Tru saved her from that around 2:30pm.
Correction: Tru may have thought that her intervention caused her to run the experiment early because she was upset. When You relive a day, you are likely to disrupt the timing of events.
Corrected entry: After Tru discovers Mark's corpse and goes back to the previous morning, she considers herself to be the prime suspect in the murder. But there is never any explanation of how she thinks she could possibly have done it without remembering.
Correction: She was a little drunk and couldn't remember everything.
Correction: But this was a private stripper, so she gets paid with a check, they weren't expected to shove ones down her panties. Moving their wallets to their jackets makes perfect sense since, when receiving a lap dance, you would want nothing in your pockets to get in the way.