Tru Calling

Tru Calling (2003)

26 corrected entries in season 1

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Past Tense - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Luc arrives for his job interview at the Sheriff's while Tru is at the bachelor party. However, the clerk at the hotel told Tru that the party started at 7pm, so we know it's at least that late. It doesn't make much sense for Luc to have a job interview at that hour.


Correction: And? Is there some law that says a job interview can only be conducted during a certain time? Maybe that's when the sheriff or even Luc was available to do the interview.


Morning After - S1-E7

Corrected entry: It seems strange that Tru doesn't at any point entertain the possibility that Luc could be the killer. After all, he was the last person left in her apartment before she went to sleep. And if she even thought that she could have done it herself, why does it not occur to her that her boyfriend killed the ex-boyfriend who was quasi-stalking her?


Correction: Her ex was in bed with her. She had blood on her. The knife was in her bedroom. Of course she is going to think she is the killer. Nobody else.


Morning After - S1-E7

Corrected entry: Why does Tru assume that Lindsay would be disappointed by Harrison's gift of a Pez dispenser? When they were shopping together, Lindsay specifically said that she loves Pez dispensers.


Correction: Because it is an unusual unusual to give that kind of thing as a gift to the one you love. Most couples are more romantic than that. Tru didn't know Lindsay would love it. She thought her friend would be disappointed.


Morning After - S1-E7

Corrected entry: After Tru talks to her ex-boyfriend on the roof, she returns to her apartment and asks Luc where everybody went. But before the ex-boyfriend even showed up, everybody was leaving the party and Tru was saying goodbye to them as they left. Then she went to the roof and had her five minute chat with the ex. Why should she be even remotely surprised that everybody has made it out of the apartment by the time she gets back?


Correction: Only a few people were leaving. She assumed others would stay. Therefore she was surprised when everyone left.


Star Crossed - S1-E6

Corrected entry: The second time the day happens, Amy comes driving up right after the near-accident, because she "saw Derek's car." Since Tru's actions didn't change the timeline throughout the car chase, that means that Amy should have shown up at the same time during the original day as well. In that case, she would have witnessed Derek cause the crash that killed Adam and Jen, and there shouldn't have been a mystery.


Correction: Before she showed up, the car was about to go over the edge before Derek stopped himself. She showed up moments later. We don't have enough information to determine what happened originally. By the time she would have arrived the car would have already gone over the edge so she could have assumed Derek just arrived like she did. Or Derek could have easily driven away as soon as the car went over the edge without being seen.


Murder in the Morgue - S1-E9

Corrected entry: Why does Lindsay know about what happened with Candace and Ronnie after graduation, while Tru doesn't? Firstly, Tru would have much more reason to have found out in the first place, since Candace was her best friend and Ronnie was her crush. Secondly, even if we accept that Lindsay found out before Tru did, how is it that Lindsay never mentioned it in five years?


Correction: Lindsay thought Tru knew, but didn't say anything because of how it all ended and Lindsay didn't bring it up to hurt Tru's feelings. This is evident when Lindsay says "what? you didn't know?"


Haunted - S1-E5

Corrected entry: Around the middle of the episode, Paige's father tells Tru that all Paige really remembers about her molestation is "the moon and stars," which doesn't make sense to anybody. Towards the end of the episode, Tru looks across the street and sees that Paige's neighbor has a large stained-glass window of the moon and stars, and immediately realizes that the neighbor is the one who molested Paige. Paige is already there, because her near-death experience opened up the memory for her. But why didn't anybody figure this out before? The moon and stars window has been in plain sight to Paige and her father for twenty years, and evidently Paige has been ranting about "the moon and stars" for some time now.


Correction: She also believes her father is the one who molested her. And since her father is convinced it is all in her mind, he is not going to look for clues. Even so, he can just assume she saw the neighbors door and implanted it into her "fantasy."


Closure - S1-E8

Corrected entry: Tru's endeavors to convince Harrison of her abilities don't make much sense, for two reasons. Firstly, it's ridiculous that Harrison doesn't already believe her. She once slipped him the exact card he needed minutes later in his card game, and she convinced a man to wear a bulletproof vest on the day that Harrison's girlfriend was planning to frame him for shooting the man dead. Secondly, why would he suddenly become convinced just because Tru told him when it was going to start snowing? She once told him exactly when it was going to rain, and weather forecasters do the same thing all the time anyway.


Correction: First of all, Harrison not believing her only proves he is hard headed. He believed them to be lucky guesses or coincidences. Lets not forget in many episodes he believed the other people were in cahoots with Tru in order to try and convince him (the waitress is a perfect example). Second of all, the thing regarding the snow, it was said it was a "surprise" snow. Which means the weatherman did not report it was going to snow. Even if the weatherman predicted snow, they cannot predict the exact time it is going to start like she did. Tru predicting snow that not even weatherman did not predict, along with predicting the exact time the snow was going to start, was enough to convince Harrison.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Tru thinks that the alcohol has been poisoned, and doesn't realise that it's really the ice until she sees that the stripper has been drinking tequila without ice all night and is fine. But she should have known that the alcohol wasn't poisoned as soon as she found out that one of the men wasn't drinking any alcohol but still died, which happened earlier.


Correction: There was one more person at the party than there were dead. She didn't know who it was and couldn't rule anything out before checking everything.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Meredith ensures she gets a negative drug test by providing some else's urine sample. Wouldn't they know straight away? It is good medical practice (something that a law firm would most likely want upheld) to check the temperature of the sample (about 32-38C) to ensure the sample is fresh.

Andy Benham

Correction: There are many ways to pass off samples for drug testing. Without seeing the actual procedure, we have to assume that they came up with a plan, since it ended up working.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Corrected entry: When Tru goes to the workplace of the "groom" to try to get him to cancel the bachelor party, he thinks that his "fiancee" Robin sent her to spoil his fun. But why would he think that? We found out later that Robin dumped him three months ago and there is no wedding at all. I'm sure Robin is pretty far from caring whether or not he has a bachelor party.


Correction: He has to put up the act that he's still getting married, so what he says is basically BS, but it's still necessary for his plan to work.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Corrected entry: How did John expect to get away with killing the other five men? He had made the plans for the party and booked the hotel room himself, so even if he disposed of the poisoned ice after the other guys died, his guilt would have been obvious, as the only survivor.


Correction: The poison was said to be untraceable, and with no motive (nobody else knew about the girl), it would all be circumstantial.


Morning After - S1-E7

Corrected entry: The second time the day happens, Tru moves the vase because she remembers that Sam knocked it over during the party. She foolishly moves it to the top of the television, a place where it could be knocked over just as easily. It turns out that she only did that so that Sam could wind up knocking it over anyway, causing Tru to realize that he did it out of anger and not clumsiness, and that he's the one who killed Mark.


Correction: But because he broke it in anger it only mattered that it was somewhere he had easy access to it, not its exact position. Her moving it to the TV is perfectly rational since she assume it was clumsiness and no one bumped into the TV on the first run through.

Haunted - S1-E5

Corrected entry: Where was Paige's body found? That's the kind of information Marco usually gives when he brings in a body, but not this time. The only reason for him to not say anything about it in this episode is because it would have made the plot too simplistic. Tru thought Paige was killed in the experiment, in which case the corpse would most likely have been found in the condemned building. But since Paige was actually killed by her neighbor, it would have been found somewhere else. We also get no information about how the neighbor disposed of the body. If we and Tru had gotten that information, the action could have been resolved in all of ten minutes.


Correction: Both the guy of the experiment and her neighbour would surely try to hide the body somewhere, and for the plot it would make no difference where the corpse was found.

Putting Out Fires - S1-E2

Corrected entry: How was Nick able to save the little girl while still dying himself? We know that when he saved the boy the first time the day happened, he became trapped when the floor below him collapsed, and he told the boy to go on without him. Tru told him about the floor the second time, so he and the boy made it out safely. Then Nick went back in for the girl, and all we know is that the girl was saved and he still died. There is no explanation of what happened to somehow kill him after he saved the girl.


Correction: The is no explanation given in the episode but there are plenty of possible explanations of how someone could die in a burning building without any protective gear.

Putting Out Fires - S1-E2

Corrected entry: The second time Tru goes through the day, she says that the fire truck will be delayed by traffic (she saw the flooded fire hydrant the first time), and realizes that's why Nick had to go into the building without his equipment. But the fire truck is actually there by the time they get outside.


Correction: But the problem was that they weren't there by the time he had to go inside. When he gets out on the second day it is already past the time he got stuck on the first day, so there's no problem there. On the second day he rushes back in too stubborn to wait - the other firefighters will physically stop Tru but not one of their own.

Past Tense - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Blake wrote an anonymous letter to John, telling him that was going to go to the police about the girl's death five years earlier. Aside from the fact that it makes little sense for him to warn John like that, why hasn't he then gone to the police in the intervening three weeks? Furthermore, why didn't he become extremely suspicious when John invited the five other men involved in the coverup to a bachelor party, when Blake knew that John knew that one of the guys was planning to take his story to the police?


Correction: Blake wrote the letter to John to try and get John to turn himself in, he never intended to go to the police himself. It made perfect sense to have those exact people at the party since they were all members of the wedding party, which is the typical guest list at a bachelor party.

Reunion - S1-E10

Corrected entry: There's never any real explanation of why Bridget's father wants to keep her away from Jake. Bridget has already had the baby, so now she's going through parenthood alone, with very little money, and unable to go to a good school. If she were with Jake, or perhaps married to him, he could help support her financially, and she could even be entitled to his pension as a war hero.


Correction: The father hates Jake and only connects him to any negative effect the baby caused. It's not very reasonable, but being unreasonable is a part of his character.

Haunted - S1-E5

Corrected entry: When Tru doesn't show up for the blind date with Jeremy, he tried to pick up her best friend Lindsay by saying that she's "Too good to be Tru." Later, Lindsay says that he used the same pickup line on the waitress as he did on her. But the line about Tru wouldn't make sense to anybody else, so how could he have used it on the waitress?


Correction: "Too good to be true" makes sense to everyone, it's just 1% less clever without someone named Tru around.

Putting Out Fires - S1-E2

Corrected entry: On the second walk through of the day, Tru describes the fire (which hasn't happened yet) to Davis. From this description, Davis (who, bear in mind, is the supervisor at a morgue and not a criminal forensics expert) is able to provide more accurate information about the fire and its cause than were the emergency workers who brought the bodies to the morgue the first day, several hours after the fire actually happened, by which time some actual police investigation had presumably occurred as well.


Correction: Davis is an MD and performs autopsies as part of his job, so would be very familiar with the forensics, the morgue is directly beneath the sheriff's office after all. The people bringing the bodies in are not emergency workers, they work directly for the morgue, and Marco stated earlier that he just picks up the bodies he doesn't solve crimes, so he wouldn't have gotten that much information from the police.

Brother's Keeper - S1-E3

Character mistake: At the end of the episode, after Sarah has been tricked into revealing her plan and is rather obviously going to go to jail, Tru tells her that she "should have taken half," meaning that she should have settled for half of Andrew's money in a divorce instead of trying to get all of it by having him murdered. But Tru seems to be forgetting that Sarah has been trying to divorce Andrew all along, and it's Andrew who has stood in the way of that. Sarah would evidently have been perfectly happy with half, but Andrew prevented it from even being on the table for her, so Tru's comment doesn't make any sense.


More mistakes in Tru Calling

Jack Harper: Good people has to die too, Tru.

More quotes from Tru Calling

Answer: It is called 'Somebody help me' sung by Full Blown Rose.


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