Factual error: 2017 episode - Valentin is revealed to be former stuttering hunchback who attended WSB academy with Anna. Can't be accurate because Anna is revealed to have been 26 in 1986 in a conversation with Duke. Robin was born October 1978, making her marriage to Robert around 1977 summer since they swam to Italy from France prior to marriage (Summer Swim). Puts Anna in WSB at age 17 or 18. Valentin is about 10 years younger than Anna. He would have been 7-8 when Anna in WSB Academy. No way they were there together.
Character mistake: THE MEXICO ADVENTURE (part 76): Sean Donnelly confronts Peter in a threat, forcing him to call Felicia collect - in the U.S. - insisting she fly down immediately. Sean then hands Peter a piece of paper with a phone number on it, and Peter calls the operator. The number Peter gives the operator is the same number Felicia has called her grandmother collect with - in Texas - several times - not Frisco's apt. in New York, where Felicia is staying.
Revealing mistake: THE MEXICO ADVENTURE (Series) Part 103: Sean Donnelly and Frisco are wearing the same shirt.