Question: Whats the deal with Michael Rosenbaum? Did he leave the show? I find it strange that he is nowhere to be seen in the show or in the opening credits. If that is the case, is it known why he left? Or is this just some plot device to build suspense?
Question: This is sort of a question for the Superman fan-verse, but I thought I'd ask it here. Is there an antidote for the effects of kyrptonite?
Chosen answer: No. Kryptonite as a plot device has changed from "every yahoo can get a chunk at the corner store" to an extremely rare element. It hardly ever shows up anymore. Also it really doesn't need an antidote. So long as it's removed from Superman's vicinity before he dies, he'll recover. Its effects don't linger like radioactive materials do for humans.
Answer: In Smallville, blue kryptonite does makes Kryptonians immune to the effects of green kryptonite. Although it does remove their super power abilities (by making them unable to process the power of the yellow sun). In some versions of the comics, blue kryptonite was the antidote for red kryptonite. In the comics, Supergirl tried to create an antidote to kryptonite which resulted in X-kryptonite.
Question: Does Michael Rosenbaum actually have hair in real life because in many parts of the series Lex Luthor seems to have a grey shade to his head indicating that he has shaved his hair really really finely, so does he have hair and does he therefore have his hair shaved off before filming?
Answer: He does have hair in real life.
Answer: Yes, he did actually shave his head for the part. However, after being shaved, makeup artist did work on his bald head to hide his hairline and give him the look you see. Producers were always expecting him to shave, but they did allow Michael to see what wearing a bald cap would entail and even he didn't like the look of it (he said it made him look like a conehead was looked fake) and suggested he shave his head.
Question: Throughout the series, people mutate fairly soon after their exposure to kryptonite. Is it ever explained how Lana has managed to wear a piece of kryptonite around her neck for 12 years and not change?
Answer: The kryptonite only creates mutations when it reacts with the environment and an individual. Remember, the FDA and several environmental groups did check out Smallville after the meteor shower, but found no danger in the rocks. Obviously they're not always emitting mutating rays, or all the flora and fauna of the surrounding area would be horribly mutated.
Chosen answer: He simply chose to leave the show. He wanted to move on; seven years is a long time to devote to a single project, so he felt it was time to move his career onwards. As a result, the character of Lex, which they'd taken as far as they realistically could anyway, was written out of the show. It's certainly not out of the question that he could make a guest appearance in a future storyline, much as Kristin Kreuk, who also left the show at the end of season seven, did in the middle of season eight, but so far this has not occurred.
Tailkinker ★