
Oracle - S5-E21

Other mistake: Jonathan Kent's headstone says he was born September 1, 1954. However, in "Relic", we learn Jor-El visited Smallville in 1961, where he met Jonathan's parents and his mom was pregnant with Jonathan. And we know it was him since Hiram (his dad) wanted to name their son Gene and Jessica corrects him and says his name is going to be Jonathan. Plus, if he was born in 1954, he would have been 25 when he won the high school state championship instead of a more realistic 18 if he was born in 1961.


Gone - S4-E2

Other mistake: Lois digs up Chloe's grave site to unearth her casket. It is obvious that the casket is not buried six feet deep. You would think, with all that is going on, that LuthorCorp would have at least buried the casket deeper to deter inquisitive eyes and maybe throw in a few scattered bones for good measure.

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Trivia: Jerry Siegel, the co-creator of the Clark Kent/Superman character worked on a school magazine when he was at Glenville High School, Cleveland. The magazine was called The Torch - the same name of Smallville High's school magazine, edited by Chloe Sullivan and with Clark Kent as an on/off contributor.

Jeff Walker

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Question: Throughout the series, people mutate fairly soon after their exposure to kryptonite. Is it ever explained how Lana has managed to wear a piece of kryptonite around her neck for 12 years and not change?

Answer: The kryptonite only creates mutations when it reacts with the environment and an individual. Remember, the FDA and several environmental groups did check out Smallville after the meteor shower, but found no danger in the rocks. Obviously they're not always emitting mutating rays, or all the flora and fauna of the surrounding area would be horribly mutated.


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