Factual error: Grissom does a quick analysis on the rough diamonds (chemical or laser) and immediately identifies the region of origin for the diamonds. He and Catherine then postulate that the diamonds are conflict diamonds. There is no way to identify the country or region of origin through any type of analysis. The United Nations and the world's diamond industry are looking for a way. http://www.reliefweb.int/library/documents/conflictdiamonds.htm http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/cenear/010212/7907sci1.html http://www.whitefirejewelry.com/wfbb/viewtopic.php?p=88&sid=b0e62206a64d98c81e53b600e053582f.
Factual error: When Grissom calls Greg into his office to ask him about his Scandinavian heritage, Greg says his grandfather was kicked out of Norway for getting his grandmother pregnant before they were married. Norway did not kick people out of country for that reason. Anyone who does family research will see that 7 out of 10 times a child was born out of wedlock or illegitimate, and nothing was done about it. It is recorded in the church records and that is it, there were lots of reasons this happened that children were born to unwed parents. Main reason was that they applied to be married and the marriage was disapproved of for one reason or another. Europeans are not as prudish as Americans about this stuff. A lot of Scandinavians nowadays live together, have kids and never get married.