Home Improvement

Karate Or Not, Here I Come - S2-E19

Continuity mistake: When Jill is standing up to the other woman at Mark's karate class, she asks her "Will you stop calling my son 'Stick Boy'?" As the other woman replies "Then feed him something", her hands are on her hips, but when the angle changes, she has her right hand on her chest, with no time to move her hands between shots.


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Trivia: Michigan colleges and universities sent star Tim Allen shirts and sweaters to wear on the air, and he did.

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Answer: No the guy sent in a picture of himself because he thought he looked like Al. So they brought him on the show as his brother.


Answer: According to imdb.com: Richard has only one sister. http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0439781/bio.


Answer: It should also be noted, Richard Karn is his stage name as Karn is his middle name. His real name is Richard Wilson. Cal was played by Keith Lehman.


Siblings can have different last names. One might have a different father. Maybe one legally changed his name for some reason, or a man took his wife's last name (not as common, but it happens). Of course, these two actors are not actually related, but I just wanted to point this out.


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