CSI: Miami
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Suggested correction: To specifically get the cops involved so Neal feels more in danger. LIVE Corporation basically filed a false police report, which Wendy Colton said the cops can talk to the company's lawyers about.


Going Under - S5-E2

Continuity mistake: After Calleigh's Hummer is hit from the rear, it is shown going into the water with no visible damage to the front of the vehicle. After the first commercial break it is being pulled from the water with a dented and buckled hood.

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Darkroom - S5-E8

Trivia: In the real case on which this episode was based, one of the women photographed was Nikka La Rue, whose sister Eva plays CSI Natalia Boa Vista.

Cubs Fan

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Show generally

Question: In one episode, Delko is seen driving away from a deal gone wrong and Delko's informant is seen with him. Delko says that he doesn't feel good and passes out from blood loss causing the informant to call for 911. What episode is this and why was his informant arrested?

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