The Sopranos

The Sopranos (1999)

1 continuity mistake in Made in America - chronological order

(35 votes)

Made in America - S6-E21

Continuity mistake: When Tony gets into Holsten's the man with the moustache sitting in the first booth facing the entrance is wearing a ring on his right-hand middle finger that disappears when Tony is seated. (00:54:19)

Proshai, Livushka - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: Tony's hair length alternates between a short buzz cut and longer in different shots in the scene where Sil, Paulie and Chris visit him after his mother dies.

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Tony Soprano: Oh, poor baby. What do you want, a Whitman's Sampler?

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Trivia: In "Mr. & Mrs. Sacrimoni Request," Johnny Sack's daughter is played by Caitlin Van Zandt. While she shares the surname, she is not related to Steven and Maureen Van Zandt (Silvio and Gabby Dante).

Cubs Fan

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Christopher - S4-E3

Question: Was it Jimmy Altieri standing in the back of the crowd during the Columbus rally scene? He was killed in season one for being an FBI informant and here they probably used him as a stand in... If so, then that is some sort of mistake, because I think, it really is him. (00:15:50)

Answer: That's not Jimmy, just a look-a-like. Jimmy's short and stout, the guy in "Christopher" episode is tall and medium built. The hair is also different.

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