
Futurama (1999)

12 corrected entries in season 4

(6 votes)

Roswell That Ends Well - S4-E1

Corrected entry: The sergeant refers to Fry's grandfather Enos by his first name, something that would never happen. A superior officer - especially a non-com - would refer to him as "Fry", "Private" or "Private Fry". No army sergeant ever referred to an enlisted man by his first name.

Correction: You've clearly never been in the military. First names and nicknames will get used, especially if they are unusual.

Grumpy Scot

Correction: A Sergeant is not an officer, he is enlisted just like the privates. The one in question was probably an E6 or E7.

Leela's Homeworld - S4-E5

Corrected entry: In this episode, no one can read the Alien language on the note left by Leela's parents. However, this language has been posted on various signs throughout the series. It would be rather pointless for someone to make advertisements that no one can read.

Correction: How do we know it is the same language? Just becaus it uses the same alphabet, it doesn't mean it is the same language. E.g. French, German, English, Welsh, Spanish, Italian all use the same alphabet.

Soylent Purple

30% Iron Chef - S4-E11

Corrected entry: In this episode, robot homosexuals are referred to as "romos". However, in the first episode, it's referred to as "robosexuals", so that would logically mean that it could be cut down to "robos", so why does a robo suddenly mean a robot hobo?

Correction: "Robosexual" refers to people who have sex with robots (like in the Lucy Liu episode), whereas "romos" are homosexual robots.


Anthology of Interest 2 - S4-E3

Corrected entry: When the toast pops out of the 'raccoon toaster' it is regular shaped bread, but when Fry holds out the slice he has bitten it has a distinct T shape. The shape of the bite Fry took out changes, too.

Correction: The bread/toast is upside-down in the toaster, as evidenced the the fact that Fry grabs the bread, and immediately puts it to his mouth - holding it by the bottom of the slice, and biting the T-shaped side.

Godfellas - S4-E8

Corrected entry: When Bender is traveling through space he never grows his rust beard or requires booze to keep going. This is the only time in the series he does this.

Correction: He does not drift through space for long enough to get rusty before the shrimpkins appear. And after the shrimpkins have colonized him, they are shown to brew "Lordweiser" beer for him.


Futurestock - S4-E9

Corrected entry: After the 80's guy dies, Fry decides to vote against selling the company to Mom. 80's guy owned 51% of the shares while Mom and her sons owned the rest, putting the "Yes" option at 99.99% (one son made an error). But when Fry votes "No", Mom's 49% has swapped over to the "No" option to give it 100%- indicating Mom didn't want the sale to go through either.

Correction: The 49% in the "No" section was from the rest of Planet Express voting against selling the company. Mom tells Fry he's an idiot for wanting to choose not to sell, and leaves the stage during Fry's speech about making the Professor CEO again. Therefore her 49.99% was removed from the "Yes" before Fry even voted, leaving the 49% in "No" from Amy, Leela, Bender, and Hermes from earlier.

Correction: That's because Santa has already passed their house (delivering Zoidberg's present, etc.) so they don't need the armor any more.

Correction: Because the amount of fat would be a bit like a large pillow. When we see him on the stage he has gained a vast amount of weight and because of the extra weight it has expanded all around including below him. In any case its perception that he is twice as large in height. The position of the stage and the large amount of weight makes him look much larger.


Correction: Blurnsball is shown to be an extremely complicated game (by our standards anyway) as there is so much that can happen. It's quite possible that every game played is completely different in terms of what happens. In "Fear of a Bot Planet" for example, the ball is "locked" and multiball is engaged (like in a pinball machine). In this episode, the ball isn't locked, so none of that would happen. It seems to be pure luck for the ball to be locked in that way (and presumably the scooter driving round the track is a sort of tradition for that kind of score/point).

Gary O'Reilly

Where the Buggalo Roam - S4-E6

Corrected entry: When everyone goes to Mars to visit Amy's parents (and celebrate Mars Day) it is shown that Mars is, like today, a red, desolate wasteland of dirt. However, in the episode "Mars University", Mars is shown to be filled with jungles and plant life. Maybe that is the hemisphere that the Wong family doesn't own, but if that were true, then why would Inez (Amy's mom) say they had the best hemisphere when the other one is, theoretically, filled with grasslands and jungles et cetera?

Correction: They own that hemisphere, therefore, they're obviously going to think it's the best.


Godfellas - S4-E8

Corrected entry: When the small civilization that thinks Bender is the "Metal Lord" annihilates each other with atomic bombs, mushroom clouds are formed. This is impossible, as mushroom clouds would only form in a space with a multi-layered atmosphere, something Bender is definitely lacking.

Correction: What nuclear bombs? They are far too small to be nuclear bombs - you need a minimum reaction mass, and they don't have it. This is a civilization that lives in a virtually gravity-free vacuum on a metal robot. Who knows what weapons they have and how they behave when they detonate?

30% Iron Chef - S4-E11

Corrected entry: After Dr. Zoidberg accidentally breaks the bottle in half, he drops the bottom half on the ground. You hear the sound of glass breaking. Yet later he has both halves on the table, and the bottom half is completely whole.

Kathy Tjarks

Correction: Considering the self-fixing teacup and saucer shown in "The Cryonic Woman," it's not hard to believe that it was a self-fixing bottle.

If it would fix itself, then the Professor wouldn't need to be worried about Zoidberg touching it.

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Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass!

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Trivia: The part of Zapp Brannigan was originally going to go to Phil Hartman, the voice of Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz in The Simpsons, but was changed when he was murdered by his wife in 1998.

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Answer: The initial number is 0101100101 = 357. When reflected in a mirror, however, it reads 1010011010 = 666 (the number of the Beast). It is a parody of The Shining, where the words Red Rum are seen as the word murder in the mirror.


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