Doctor Who

The War Machines - S3-E10

Factual error: This story is set in London in 1966 - the Post Office Tower was completed in October 1965). July 12th 1966 was a Saturday, not a Monday.

The Caves of Androzani - S21-E6

Factual error: When the Doctor is trying to land the ship, from the video screen it appears that they are moving towards the planet way too fast to make such a safe and quick landing. Also, the ship doesn't seem to have even penetrated the planet's atmosphere yet it lands seconds later.


Robot - S12-E1

Revealing mistake: Perhaps criticizing the special effects is unfair, but the extremely obvious use of toy tanks and a rag-doll Sarah in certain scenes is one of the worst examples in the history of the show.

Planet of the Daleks - S10-E4

Continuity mistake: At the end of episode one, when the Doctor and Taron spray paint onto the invisible Dalek, they use two different colors. At the start of episode two, the Dalek is suddenly black and painted on all sides.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Plot hole: A line of dialogue in "The Curse of Fenric" indicates that the Russians planned to make their escape by "going to the North Way", in other words, escaping to Norway. However, the story is set in the summer of 1943, when Norway was under Nazi occupation. It would not be a smart idea for any Russian military personnel to head for Nazi-occupied Norway.

The Curse of Fenric - S26-E3

Factual error: The story is set in 1943. Jean and Phyllis shouldn't readily know who Jane Russell is, as she didn't become famous until her debut film The Outlaw was a box-office hit after the war, three years later. (Although The Outlaw originally had a limited release in the US [but not the UK] in 1943, it was quickly withdrawn by the censors and not released widely until 1946.) True, they could have read about this film in a newspaper or magazine, but considering the strict wartime censorship then in force, it is unlikely.

Vengeance on Varos - S22-E2

Plot hole: The energy weapons in this story fire a series of small red bullets, which cause numerous problems. For a start, the guns appear to have seven chambers, yet the bullets start from the same point; as they are separate bullets, surely the most minor of movements would mean they wouldn't emerge in a straight line. Later, when the Doctor steals a cart, the bullets are coming quite a distance towards the screen but the bullets don't get any bigger. Also, in the same scene, the Doctor passes through the area they seem to be travelling, yet the bullets just continue to pass in front of him.

Earthshock - S19-E6

Continuity mistake: In episode four, as they approach the TARDIS, the female member of the remaining troopers is grabbed and doesn't make it inside. But when the troopers do get inside the TARDIS, it's a man that's missing.

Doctor Who mistake picture

Inferno - S7-E4

Continuity mistake: In episode 4, the Doctor's bow shrinks from when he talks to Liz Shaw while in prison, to when he stows aboard a jeep later. In the DVD commentary, producer Barry Letts blames himself for this mistake. (00:13:00 - 00:19:50)


Doctor Who mistake picture

The Three Doctors - S10-E1

Revealing mistake: When the Doctor and Jo see Bessie in the middle of the rocky area, there is the white chalky substance from the ground on her wheels, indicating she was driven to the spot rather than being "transported" to the black-hole.

The Invisible Enemy - S15-E2

Other mistake: When Marius injects the cloned Doctor and Leela into the real Doctor, the syringe is full of air, although the later graphic shows them in liquid.

Pyramids of Mars - S13-E3

Continuity mistake: When Sarah Jane is sitting on the floor inside the transparent tube and the two gold-trimmed mummies/guardians appear in the background, you can see the dust on the surface of the tube change noticeably as the fade occurs.

The Doctor: This is a situation that requires tact and finesse. Fortunately, I am blessed with both.

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Planet of the Spiders - S11-E5

Trivia: The first thing the Third Doctor does on-screen is collapse out of the TARDIS, which is also the last thing he does in that incarnation.

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Earthshock - S19-E6

Question: In Earthshock, season 19, at the end of episode 3, the Cyber Leader views his troops marching down the corridor. Each column is headed by a Cyber Leader. Is this a mistake, or is there more than one Cyber Leader allowed per army?

Answer: In 'The Five Doctors', three separate Cyberleaders are definitely used. So it's likely that Cyberleaders are like unit commanders, of which a fair-sized army might have several.

Daria Sigma

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