Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World (1993)

1 other mistake in The Eskimo - chronological order

(7 votes)

Cory's Alternative Friends - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: Shawn claims his "sister, Stacey" uses the straightening stuff all the time. This is the only mention of her ever during the entire run of the show; and when Jack joins the show he is established as Shawn's only sibling.

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Me and Mr. Joad - S2-E4

Mr. Feeny: You know, you seem amused by this display of defiance, Mr. Turner.
Mr. Turner: Oh, I am, I gotta say. 'Cause if I had done to me what I did to them, then I'd have done the same thing to me that they did.
Mr. Feeny: Go to the board and diagram that sentence.


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Question: Topanga said in one episode that she has a weird middle name, did she ever say what it is?

Answer: Topanga's middle name is never specified. Considering her sister's name is Nebula Stop-the-war Lawrence, Topanga's is probably something equally unusual.

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