South Park

Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Mr. Garrison is telling the students to to get in place for the play, Kenny is seen in the group. Despite the fact that he is supposed to be taking the star or the ceiling at that point. He is then seen seconds later climbing down the ladder with the star.


Cat Orgy (1) - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: When Cartman gets his kitty the catnip from under the kitchen sink, a yellow plate rack full of plates appears on the worktop next to the sink that wasn't there in previous shots.


Weight Gain 4000 - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Garrison is carrying around his gun, it is not the wood finished gun with the wood colored hand grip that he bought, it was the other one that had the grey hand grip. (00:14:20)

Sol Parker

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Suggested correction: He says he will have it (wood finish) then it shows him walking through town. Plenty of time for him to change his mind again.


Perhaps, but later when Stan and Wendy interrupt him, his gun exhibits wood furniture again. Unless he purchased both, some error has been made here.

Cat Orgy (1) - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: When Shelley and Skyler are in the kitchen, there's a plate on the table with pizza crusts on it. Between closeups and wide shots the crusts continually switch from the left to the right side.


Conjoined Fetus Lady - S2-E5

Continuity mistake: When the town has a Conjoined Twin Myslexia Parade, and Nurse Gollum is walking; you see her right hand down as she walks, and no people in the background. Then the shot changes, and you see her right hand up waving, and people where there weren't any before.

Cartmanland - S5-E6

Continuity mistake: In the scenes where Cartman is miserable because of all the people in the park, when Kenny is on the roller coaster and he gets a pipe through his head, the kids who were with him change when the picture of him on the ride is shown.

Woodland Critter Christmas - S8-E14

Continuity mistake: Just after Stan returns to the forest and sees that the antichrist is born, the squirrel mentions that the antichrist will bring a thousand years of darkness. At the same moment you can see standing next to him the rabbit. Despite the fact that he was sacrificed earlier in the episode and is not seen in any of the shots before or after this.


Good Times With Weapons - S8-E1

Continuity mistake: When Butters is in the hospital, you see blood start coming down his cheek, but when the shot changes from a top view to a view from his feet, there is no blood running down his cheek, which should've started showing in the shot already.

Douche and Turd - S8-E8

Continuity mistake: At the dinner table when Stan tells his parents about the election, he has a glass in front of him. The glass switches from being on his left side to being on his right side between shots.


Up the Down Steroid - S8-E2

Continuity mistake: When the handicapped people are on the bus, from a distance you can see that on the far window there is a kid nodding his head from back to front with black hair and when it goes into the bus you can see that the kid has brown hair and is nodding his head side-to-side. (00:04:30)


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Phillip: Yes, perhaps he's homophobic.
Terrance: But we're not gay, Phillip.
Phillip: We're not?

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Margaritaville - S13-E3

Question: Can someone explain the subplot with the Margaritaville and Stan going to a bunch of places trying to return it? It's really confusing. And this sounds stupid, but in a recession, wouldn't spending money be bad?

Answer: Essentially Stan was trying to return the blender that his dad, Randy, had bought because he knew his parents couldn't afford the extra debt. The blender, which represented mortgage-backed securities, had been bought on payment plan, meaning Randy had to make monthly payments, with interest, on something that wasn't essential. The episode represented the recession that was occurring at the time, including the housing bubble and mortgage crisis going on, so there's a lot going on. However, the payment plan (which is to say the debt) had been sold to another company by the store that sold Randy the blender. (To explain why, because of the recession, the store needed cash on hand, and they would only be getting a little money each month, if Randy paid his bill. So the store sells the debt to a company who gives the store the money upfront. Think of the J.G. Wentworth commercials, "I have a structured settlement, but I need cash now".) Because the store sold the debt, in ridiculous fashion, Stan had to return the blender to the company that bought the debt, although they too sold the debt to another company. Finally he gets to the U.S. treasury who tells him his blender is worth $90 trillion (again a ridiculous exaggeration) meaning that the debt owed is greater than the product is worth and to deride the way government agencies set up their budgets (which requires much more complex economic lessons). Kyle's whole point was people shouldn't fear the economy or see it as a vengeful being, but continue to spend and live as they normally do. Economically speaking, not spending money during a recession creates a longer lasting recession, and to solve a recession, people should spend money, although people and businesses shouldn't acquire debt during a recession because interest rates are higher. But on a personal level, individuals are fearful of losing their jobs during a recession, so they save money in case that should happen. But again, this is complex economics lesson.


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