Brandon Walsh: It was good to see you back at the Peach Pit tonight. I know it took a lot of courage.
Brenda Walsh: Brandon, please, I've had quite enough praise for a while.
Brandon Walsh: All right, you're a huge loser. How's that?
Brenda Walsh: Oh, much better.
Steve Sanders: Girls mature faster than guys.
Brandon Walsh: Not in my house they don't.
Emily Valentine: This isn't Beverly Hills! It's Knot's Landing.
Brenda Walsh: You know what else you are?
Brandon Walsh: Now, Bren, if you can't say something nice.
Brenda Walsh: Seriously, Brandon.
Brandon Walsh: Okay, Bren, what else am I?
Brenda Walsh: No matter how crazed and bent out of shape I ever got, you were always there for me and I'll never forget it. You really are my best friend.
Brandon Walsh: And I hope I always will be.
Dylan McKay: Who needs TV? We've got Days of our Lives right here.