Mama's Family

Mama's Family (1983)

1 revealing mistake in season 4 - chronological order

(3 votes)

A Big Hand for Mama - S4-E6

Revealing mistake: When Naomi's dress gets caught, it's making a noise as though the machine is eating the dress but the dress isn't even moving and the needle isn't moving up or down. (00:17:10)

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Continuity mistake: In the first two seasons, there are 3 bedrooms upstairs: Mama's, Fran's, and Sonja's. But after Buzz and Sonja move out and Aunt Fran dies, Bubba moves in and takes Aunt Fran's room. Vinton and Naomi are still in the basement complaining that they wanted Fran's room. However, originally there was another room upstairs, Sonja's room, that disappeared.

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Suggested correction: Wouldn't there have been 4 bedrooms upstairs not 3? Mama's, Frans, Sonja's as mentioned but then also Buzz had a room making it 4 bedrooms upstairs.

Buzz lived in the attic.

Kevin l Habershaw

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Naomi Oates Harper: Oh, you just love to put people down, don't you, Mrs. Harper?
Thelma 'Mama' Harper: It is not only a pleasure, I see it as my duty.

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