Mama's Family

Baby Talk - S5-E1

Revealing mistake: When Iola's quilt shrinks in the dryer at the end of the episode, the individual squares do not shrink. Instead, there are simply fewer of them in each direction.


An Ill Wind - S3-E8

Revealing mistake: After they break out of the basement, Iola remains down there, with no indication that she is coming up. However right after we can see her skirt on the staircase, waiting to make her entrance later in the scene.

luke f

A Grave Mistake - S2-E22

Revealing mistake: When Thelma sees that a strange woman is in the grave intended for her, she smacks Carl's headstone with her purse. The headstone can be seen to move slightly under the blow.


A Big Hand for Mama - S4-E6

Revealing mistake: When Naomi's dress gets caught, it's making a noise as though the machine is eating the dress but the dress isn't even moving and the needle isn't moving up or down. (00:17:10)

Baby Talk - S5-E1

Revealing mistake: When Iola's quilt shrinks in the dryer at the end of the episode, the individual squares do not shrink. Instead, there are simply fewer of them in each direction.


More mistakes in Mama's Family

Naomi Oates Harper: Oh, you just love to put people down, don't you, Mrs. Harper?
Thelma 'Mama' Harper: It is not only a pleasure, I see it as my duty.

More quotes from Mama's Family

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