Family Matters

Family Matters (1989)

4 mistakes in season 3 - chronological order

(6 votes)

Brain over Brawn - S3-E2

Other mistake: In this episode, they have a leak in the roof. Yet, the house is a two story house with an attic. So it should not be able to leak into the living room. Also, when Carl and Eddie go up to fix the roof, Eddie falls through the roof and ends up on the living room couch. Again, two story house with attic. Should not happen.

Brown Bombshell - S3-E16

Character mistake: When Estelle gives her guest speech about the Tuskegee airmen she shows a slideshow. There is a photo of an airplane that she incorrectly labels as "a single engine P-47." This is not correct. The plane in the photo is a P-39 Airacobra. (00:19:45)

Food, Lies and Videotape - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: Towards the beginning, Carl enters with a new video camera and we see a regular view of the scene mixed with POV shots from the camera as Carl narrates. When he's standing at the door with his bag, in the POV shots from the camera you can see that the door is open, but in the wide shots, it is closed.

My Broken-Hearted Valentine - S3-E18

Other mistake: When Steve is wearing his Cupid costume and waiting for Laura in the Winslows' living room, the doorbell rings. He is obviously excited and ready to pose before seeing Daniel there. This does not make sense because Laura would not ring the doorbell to enter her own home. In fact, she does not ring it when she does arrive shortly after Daniel.

Carl: Go home! Go home! Go home!
Steve: I don't have to take this. I'm going home.

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Trivia: When this show first went into syndication, a market in New England declined to pick it up, thinking it wouldn't be popular with their demographics. They ended up providing the show for free with the agreement that the market would end up paying for the broadcasting rights if the show reached a certain ratings threshold.


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Answer: According to the IMDb, his middle name is Quincy.


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