Revealing mistake: When we see people digging Bobo out of the ice, they put him in a bag. If you look carefully you can see another Bobo put in another bag just before the shot changes.

Revealing mistake: When Homer pushes the soda vending machine next to the candy vending machine, a large scratch appears near the upper right corner of the screen.
Suggested correction: This is in the questions as well. With the long amount of time the artists have to make an episode it's very hard that something like this would get by them. It's probably the device you watched it on.
Revealing mistake: When the man with the white helmet and flashlight asks Homer if he's holding on to the can in the vending machine, a large scratch appears near the upper right corner of the screen over the man's helmet.
Revealing mistake: When everybody is in a big fight at the Do What You Feel Festival, watch out for a man in an orange shirt with black hair. His left eye keeps disappearing for one frame.
The Last Temptation of Homer - S5-E9
Revealing mistake: Just before Homer drives backwards into the trout hatchery, when Homer turns the key it is obvious that it is repeated footage of Marge turning the key because the hand is a lot thinner.
$pringfield (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) - S5-E10
Revealing mistake: At the dinner table Homer says something like "as you know it's always been my lifelong ambition to be a blackjack dealer." During this line, for some reason they appear to have used a clip from an older episode (Season 3 / Episode 3 - When Flanders Failed) and dubbed the line over. For one thing, the animation is of a much lower standard than the rest of the episode. And perhaps even more telling, when he says it, he is holding a fork with some food on it, but from the earlier shots we know there is no food in front of him.

Revealing mistake: When everyone is cheering for Ned at the neighborhood watch meeting, Apu's hand is yellow.

Revealing mistake: When Homer is on the news talk-show talking to the cat burglar, he puts his hand on his chest and the opening of his shirt appears over his hand.
Revealing mistake: Apu's moustache disappears for some seconds after having his name tag removed.

Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy - S5-E14
Revealing mistake: When Lisa says "Now all we need is a name", Maggie's head disappears for a split second right before the shot changes to Bart talking. (00:17:20)

Revealing mistake: When Moe grabs Ned Flanders' shirt at the bar, Ned's torso is incorrectly drawn over his arms as well as the mug he is holding. (00:10:50)
Revealing mistake: The people waiting in line for the game are extremely crude drawings. Some of them aren't even completely drawn, e.g, some are missing arms, legs and other body parts.
Revealing mistake: In one angle when the Flanders are having dinner, Ned's eyeglasses have no temples.