Frank Burns: You disgust me!
Hawkeye: You're right, Frank... I discussed you with everyone I know and we all find you disgusting.
Frank Burns: I know I'm a real asset.
Hawkeye: You're only off by two letters.
Radar: Sir, I was just crossing the compound when...
Frank Burns: I have no interest in the compound.
Klinger: He has no compound-interest.
Frank Burns: The men hate me, don't they?
Radar: Just your guts, sir.
Frank Burns: Courage is something you shouldn't be afraid to have.
Frank Burns: I wonder if I can say something useful?
Trapper: I often wonder that too, Frank.
Frank Burns: I'm taking this to a higher authority.
Trapper: Aw, Frank... You're not going to write your mother again.
PA System: Attention all personnel. Due to the shortage of oil and wood, tonight's movie will be burned at 1800.
Radar: Sir, there's someone waiting to see you.
Henry Blake: I was born with someone waiting to see me.
Henry Blake: Will you stop saying what I'm thinking?
Radar: One of us has to.
Frank Burns: I love it here.
Col. Potter: Either you or Klinger is nuts. Now I have to figure out which one.
Frank Burns: Funny thing, war: never have so many suffered so much so so few could be so happy.
Margaret: We're lucky to be two of the few and not the many.
Frank Burns: I know, darling, and I love being both of us.
Maj. Burns: You're losing half your apple sauce. Apples don't grow on trees, you know.
PA System: Due to circumstances beyond our control, lunch will be served today.
Margaret: Act like a man, you sniveling twerp!
Colonel Flagg: I could kill you with one finger.
Henry Blake: You're always wrong, Frank. That's what's so right about you.
Dr. Sidney Freedman: I haven't washed my hands since I became a psychiatrist.
Col. Potter: Please excuse these two, they're themselves today.
Henry Blake: Do we have enough sherry and ginger-ale for the General?
Radar: Oh, nobody does, sir.
Henry Blake: Oh, fine then, if nobody does we don't have to, but make sure we do, just in case we don't.
Answer: It is actually Cencompac for Central Command of the Pacific. It is like the headquarters for all military activity in the Pacific Region (Japan, Korea, Okinawa, etc. The newer version of that is United States Pacific Command (USPACOM).
And the abbreviations were used mainly by the Navy. Especially CENCOMPAC.