High Anxiety - S5-E6
Plot hole: In the beginning of the episode, Dawson is talking to his Doctor about seeing a Psychiatrist for his panic attacks. The Doctor mentions the name of one in Boston, and calls out to the assistant to make an appointment for Dawson. But only about 12 seconds (real time) later, the assistant suddenly comes in and already has made an appointment for Dawson the next day at 5PM. There is no way the assistant could have possibly gotten ahold of a busy Psychiatrist in Boston, and made a confirmed appointment for Dawson in only 12 seconds. It would take longer than that, especially as most Psychiatrists have phone menus where they have to return calls from. (00:01:25)
Lovelines (aka The Eddie) - S6-E19
Audio problem: When Jen is hosting the LoveLines event, she tells CJ that he is supposed to field the calls and not ask questions. But she appears to fumble her dialogue, and actually says, "You field, they ask, field, ask, field, ask," etc. She inadvertently gets it backwards, because in reality the question would come first and then CJ would field the question to the rest of the show. (00:14:05)
Future Tense - S4-E4
Continuity mistake: When Pacey walks around the poker table to where Joey is sitting, Joey's hands go from in front of her holding cards, to flat down on the table.
Plot hole: When Dawson and Eve are in the PSAT room After Hours looking for the test, there is a noticeably open outside window behind them implying that was how they broke into the room. But when the security guard suddenly comes in the room and walks by the window twice, he makes no attempt to close the window and secure the room, which one would think was his job.
Suggested correction: Eve closed the window before they hid under the table.

Continuity mistake: The red Harvard sweater Andie is wearing disappears between shots.
Suggested correction: Actually, it shows her taking it off and continuing to talk to Jack.
The Kids Are Alright (1) - S6-E1
Plot hole: When Joey walks into her class and sits down, her cell phone rings and her Professor answers it. As he listens to Audrey on the other end, he says very quickly that he got the message. But when he relays the entire message to Joey after he hangs up, the message is much longer. There is no way he could have possibly gotten that long a message in the very short time he was talking to Audrey and said 'he got it'.
Plot hole: When Jack and Andie are using the computer at school, Jack shows a clear knowledge of computers by explaining search engine criteria to Andie. It's also mentioned that they had already done an extensive background check on Ben, again implying that Jack has extensive computer skills. So why would Jack, who is apparently quite skilled with computers: not know what an Instant Message is, not know how to 'get rid of this thing' by clicking off the IM window, and not know to click 'Send' in order to send an IM back to Ben. It doesn't make sense that Jack would know so much about computers, and not have any awareness of how something as simple and basic in Internet usage as 'Instant Messages' would work.
Continuity mistake: When Jack and Andie are using the computer with Ben's Instant Message on the screen, there is a close-up of the computer screen as they wait for Ben's photo to download. Just to the right of the photo is the entire IM, which shows all 3 lines of dialogue between Ben and Jack. The last line says, "So. What do you think?" But after the photo is finished, there is a sudden 'beep' from the computer signalling another incoming IM message, which Jack then reads out loud as if it is a new message. But what he reads is, "So. What do you think?", the exact same line that was already in the IM box before the photo finished downloading. The implication is that he is reading a message that just came in, yet that line of dialogue from Ben was already present in the IM box previously.
Plot hole: When Dawson picks up the phone in his bedroom after seeing the lights in the house next door, he dials 9-1-1 (You can hear the three beeps from the phone buttons). Yet when the person on the other end answers the phone, she says "Capeside Police". Later in the episode Doug also makes a reference to Dawson dialing 911. Yet when he called 911, they should have responded "911" instead of "Capeside Police". Normally when you call 911 you would get a 911 operator, not be put directly through to the local Police until you requested it.
Continuity mistake: When Pacey is nursing his black eye with a raw steak, Joey comes into Doug's apartment to talk to Pacey. Just when Pacey says, "Looking out for ya," there is a frontal shot of Joey. Her hair is bunched up considerably in the back, near her right ear. As Pacey says, "To look after said girl," the next shot of Joey shows the bunched up hair in the back suddenly gone, and her hair is smooth.
Two Gentlemen of Capeside - S4-E3
Plot hole: While out at sea, Jen and Pacey get slammed by the storm. So Pacey decides to take shelter at a small cove that he and Dawson had once used to wait out a storm. Pacey and Jen make it safely to the cove, and wait on the boat in fear of being capsized or drowning. If they are in a cove, and close to shore-why wouldn't they go on land to wait out the storm where they would be safer than in a boat that could be capsized or flooded? They could have probably swam a few feet to get to the shore, since they were already in a small cove that was near land. When Pacey was steering the boat into the cove; there was a noticable man-made jetty they were very close to, so obviously they were within close range of solid land.
Coming Home - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: Gram's kitchen in previous Seasons had orange walls, and the cabinets were painted with avocado green and orange centers. (Except for the Pilot Presentation, where the cabinets were painted all green). However, in this scene the walls are still orange but the cabinets have been suddenly changed to avocado green and yellow centers. (00:15:35)
Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell - S6-E7
Continuity mistake: When Joey is talking to Eddie at the doorway of her dorm room, a short brunette with her hair parted on her right side appears walking around the corner of the hallway behind Eddie. Joey and Eddie continue talking, and a short time later the same brunette again walks by in the hallway behind Eddie. She should have already walked past him in the time allotted before we see her again. (00:42:25)
Continuity mistake: When Dawson's parents are outside talking, sitting on the picnic table, Gail reaches over and kisses Mitch. She then slides her right arm back down to rest on her lap, and her hand on his lower arm. But the very next shot, Gail's right hand is suddenly holding Mitch's arm, up by his shoulder. She hasn't moved between shots.
Continuity mistake: Right after Pacey leaves Dawson's bedroom at the beginning of the episode, Dawson looks out his side window to see Pacey leave and suddenly notices flashlights in the dark house next door. It's clear that Dawson is looking out the side window on the right of his bed, as he is directly facing Jen's house. There is also a side window to the left of his bed which also faces the same direction. But in a later episode (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner); they show a wide shot of that side of Dawson's house. There are two windows on that side of his house facing Jen's house, but they are on each side of a chimney and the two windows make up the complete upstairs (looks more like two rooms). But whenever we see Dawson's bedroom, it's much smaller and does not take up the complete upstairs space of the house. In fact, there is a clear upstairs stair landing that his bedroom is off of, and this landing looks out over a large open space with the dining room, living room, etc. So there is no way that Dawson's room with both side windows could possibly take up the entire sideways width of the upstairs as is shown from the outside. There is also no fireplace and chimney that runs the entire height of the house on that side of the house, and which would in theory be located right where Dawson's bed is between his two side windows. Obviously the real house exteriors differ considerably from the inside sets.

Coming Home - S4-E1
Continuity mistake: Just before Jen gets up from the sun lounger, the cord from her sun hat goes instantly from falling off her shoulder to sitting by her neck.
Plot hole: When Jen and Henry are talking in the park, he tells her that he's 15. But later in Season 3, he has a Birthday party at the Skating Rink in which he would have to be turning 16. Henry is a Freshman, and it's highly unlikely he would be turning 16 in his Freshman year. All the main characters of Dawson's Creek turned 16 during their Sophomore years. It also doesn't seem likely that Henry would have skipped an academic school year, as his personality/character doesn't appear to be intellectually motivated.
Suggested correction: You have it backwards. To be a 16-year old freshman Henry wouldn't have skipped a year - he would have had to repeat one. As you put it, he's not exactly "intellectually motivated," so it's plausible to think he did indeed repeat a year.
Joey Potter and the Capeside Redemption - S6-E22
Plot hole: When Jen and Grams are talking on the porch, Dawson walks up to talk to them. They ask him if their cab has arrived, and he says no, but they are in his shot. They then choose that time to say goodbye to Dawson, which turns into a group 'goodbye' with everyone that lasts several minutes. Meanwhile, the cab has arrived, and when they are finished saying goodbye, Grams, Jack and Jen walk to the cab and get in to leave for NYC. But what happened to all their luggage for the trip? How did it get in the cab? They went straight from saying goodbye, into the cab without stopping to carry their luggage to the car.
Plot hole: During the Leery's Christmas party, Jen asks Jack which colleges he applied to in her name. He replies: Bard, Brown, Columbia, Emerson, Sarah Lawrence, and BU (Boston University). But later in this season, Jen goes to visit NYC because she was accepted into the University of New York. How could she have been accepted there when she never applied? Jack didn't apply for her there, and she didn't fill out any college applications herself.
Continuity mistake: When Joey meets Dawson before The Anti-Prom, he loans her his mother's diamond earrings. Just as Bessie says "Put them on, and then I'll get one more picture"; there is a close-up of Joey as she puts an earring in her right ear. It appears that she has just started putting the earrings on; but then she turns to face forward for the photo with Dawson, and you can see both earrings already on her ears. Joey started putting the right earring in just after Dawson told her to put the earrings on, so how did the left ear get done?