
The Robbery - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: During the initial conversation when the camera is on Elaine there's a chair prominently featured in the background, with a jacket on the back. The chair turns around between shots - in particular, when Jerry proudly proclaims himself "Master Packer" it is positioned at the desk instead of facing towards the camera. (00:01:10)


The Robbery - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: George is chatting with Elaine as he is waiting for Jerry. Elaine splits an Oreo cookie. When he mentions her "price range", she is not seen fully but her left hand is in frame and she brings it up. When George turns around to address Jerry though, it's her right hand to be raised. (00:03:20)


The Robbery - S1-E2

Continuity mistake: George sits down at the diners' table with Jerry after his bathroom (and mirror) break. When Jerry asks him "So what are you getting?" he is holding the menu in a different way between front view and reverse. (00:18:40)


The Hot Tub - S7-E5

Plot hole: When Elaine is searching for Jean Paul in the streets, one of her verbal flashbacks is of Jean Paul saying, "I trust Elaine, she is my friend." However, Jean Paul made this remark to Jerry, and Elaine was not there to hear it. How could she have a flashback of it?

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The Jimmy - S6-E19

Jimmy: Oh yeah, Jimmy's ready. Check Jimmy out. Jimmy's got some new moves. [Slips and falls from the water.] Jimmy's down.


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Question: During one episode, Jerry is dating a woman who's name he can't remember, but it rhymes with the name of a part of a woman's body. At the end he yells out the name to her down on the street. What is the name?


Answer: The name is Delores. He shouts that name at the end of the episode. Then in a later episode, "The Foundation", he runs into her. And he repeatedly calls her Delores.

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