
Seinfeld (1990)

54 corrected entries

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The Millennium - S8-E20

Corrected entry: At the end of the episode, when Jerry one-ups Newman with the fact that the Newmannium party is being held incorrectly on New Year's 1999-2000 instead of correctly on New Year's 2000-2001, Jerry says, " Oh, that's interesting, because as everyone knows, since there was no year zero, The Millennium doesn't begin until the year two-thousand and one. Which would make your party, one year late, and thus, quite lame." The party is in fact one year early rather than one year late.

Correction: Newman booked the party to bring in the 2001 new year not the 2000 new year. He booked the restaurant for the millenium not thinking that 2001 was officially marked as the new millenium. However most people celebrated the new millenium as 2000. Even if Jerry's comments are wrong its simply a character mistake. Many had the same belief that 2001 was the actual millenium.


The Dealership - S9-E11

Corrected entry: George asks Jerry for change because he doesn't have any singles and wants a Twix bar from the candy machine. The candy bar sticks, the mechanic gets it, and George still has no singles and no candy. How then did he manage to get 10 Twix bars for his "Candy Line up" that he wants to show the manager?

Correction: He got change from The Dealership cashier when she got back from lunch.

Correction: Probably. It wouldn't be out of character for George to steal the magazine.

The Parking Garage - S3-E6

Corrected entry: On the Seinfeld season 3 DVD, there is a feature called notes about nothing where along the bottom of the screen it tells you little notes about what is going on. Well in this episode it said they used mirrors to make their "parking garage" look bigger because a real one would be too expensive. When Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer enter The Parking Garage, you can see their reflections in a mirror in the top left area of the screen.

Correction: Yes, but there are mirrors in the top corners of parking garages that are there to help you see around the corners. The Note is talking about whole walls of mirrors so that reflections of whole parts of the garage were repeated.


The Stakeout - S1-E1

Corrected entry: When, in the pilot episode, Jerry and Elaine are in the video shop, two women leave the shop. When they leave, you can see one of the women step down. That means, they are stepping off the set.

Correction: It is possible that there was a step leading to the door of the video store.

The Comeback - S8-E13

Corrected entry: George traveled to Tennessee to deliver The Comeback to Reilly. However,when he is driving away smarting from his second humiliation and a second comeback leaps to mind, while he is turning the car around, you can see by the road signs that he is not in Tennessee but actually in the New York area.

Correction: That's the point: George has flown back to New York, but has thought of yet another comeback. The joke is that he might be flying back AGAIN. Also, it's not Tennessee, it's Akron, Ohio.


The Dinner Party - S5-E13

Corrected entry: When George and Kramer go to the newsstand to get change for the $100 bill, the newsstand has multiple copies of Entertainment Weekly on the news racks. This wouldn't be a mistake if it had the same person(s) on the cover but each copy has a different person(s) on the cover. The show probably just grabbed whatever magazines they could find to take up space on the news rack.

Tobin OReilly

Correction: Not necessarily, sometimes magazines like that have multiple covers (sort of collectible covers); TV Guide often does that with multiple stars of a featured program.


The Pilot (2) - S4-E24

Corrected entry: Kramer walks into Jerry's apartment to get a Pepsi and tells Jerry that he would get Jerry's watch back (the one that Jerry threw away). Jerry then goes to Kramer's apartment door. When Kramer leaves Jerry's apartment, he has the Pepsi in his right hand. When Jerry tells Kramer that he had thrown away the watch, the Pepsi can is gone.

Correction: There was a promotion being run, for which you had to spot the Pepsi can in particular episodes and send in a postcard pointing out when you saw the Pepsi can.

The Label Maker - S6-E12

Corrected entry: In the episode where Jerry is going to the Superbowl, when he's going to sit down he says his seat is seat 4 and counts over to find his seat (and also to find Newman there). But the only empty seat in the row he's going down is the third seat. If his seat were the fourth, then Newman would have been sitting in his seat, so they both should be over one seat.

Correction: Not really a mistake. The tickets were a pair (seats 3 and 4), and Newman could have just been sitting in Jerry's seat, unsure who was taking the other ticket.


Correction: I know it gives this trivia on TBS Superstation, but if you'll look closely, it is not true. Often, Waffle Crisp is the first cereal in the row.

The Little Jerry - S8-E11

Corrected entry: Throughout the entire series, whenever Jerry calls out the window to Kramer, he calls UPWARD. Odd, since Kramer lives next door. This is especially obvious in this episode, when Jerry even says, "Kramer, I'm coming up. We got a cockfight to win."

Correction: While Kramer does live next door, Jerry calls up and out the window because Kramer is training Little Jerry on the roof.

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The Doorman - S6-E18

Corrected entry: Jerry and Elaine are held liable for The Couch that was stolen from the lobby of Mr. Pitt's apartment building because Jerry, who agreed to cover for the building's doorman while he ran out to get a beer, left his post at Elaine's behest during which time The Couch was stolen. Since Jerry was not actually employed by the building, he was under no obligation to continue covering The Doorman's post and therefore could not legally be held liable for the theft.


Correction: And if he refused to do anything about The Couch and the company tried to sue him or press charges, the courts may rule he had no legal obligations (although they would argue Jerry took a legal obligation to watch the lobby when he signed for The Package). However, that's not what happened. Elaine says they're being held accountable for The Couch and instead of reimbursing them The Money or fighting it, they simply give away a pee-stained couch Jerry had already given to George and that George wanted to get rid of.


Correction: The key phrase is "in the next scene". Plenty of time has passed since we saw Jerry, in his apartment, with the bandage on. He had ample time and opportunity to take it off such that it's not a continuity mistake. George had come from wherever he was to meet them. The scene starts with them on the street, and Jerry is wearing a jacket that he wasn't wearing in his apartment.


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Corrected entry: Throughout the whole show, George Costanza is showed as being left-handed (eg. at the beginning of the episode titled "The Shoes", Jerry and George are writing "The Butler" script, and George can clearly be seen writing with his left hand). However, the actor himself is not, and you can spot some episodes (mostly in the first seasons) but a few in the last seasons as well, with him using his right hand for writing or eating, while in most of the show he's using his left-hand for everything.

Correction: Jason Alexander is left-handed. There are many pictures of him signing autographs with his left hand. There are also YouTube videos confirming his left-handedness.

However, in the episode "The Implant" Jerry says George can't make a move with his left hand because he is right-handed.

Correction: This can't be true because in the episode where they all go to India for Elaine's friend's wedding, George is wearing Timberland boots that make him a few inches taller.

Except at the end of that episode, "The Betrayal", it flashes to two years prior and George is with Susan and meets Jerry at The Cafe. He wouldn't have been wearing the Timberlands in that scene, so Jason Alexander could wear the blue Nike shoes in that scene and that would count.


Correction: It seems it's just the lighting that makes it look black, but it's dark green. It's the 6-ball. Compare the color to the 14-ball in the far shots.


Correction: This could be considered a character mistake.

The Outing - S4-E17

Corrected entry: George's mother says when she was reading about George being gay, she fell off the toilet, and the superintendent had to help her. Well, the Costanzas live in a private house, and thus have no superintendent.

Correction: There's no reason to assume the Costanzas own the house they live in. They could easily be renting it, in which case they WOULD have a superintendent, or similar maintence person/manager etc. that Estelle refers to as a superintendent.

The Yada Yada - S8-E19

Corrected entry: At the wedding at the end, Elaine is surprised to see Jerry with Beth. He tells her "Beth and Arnie broke up." We are told the wedding is a week later. Are we supposed to believe Jerry didn't talk to Elaine for an entire week to tell her the news?

Correction: Perhaps a little strange, but doesn't contradict anything in the episode. Unless there was something specific that showed they had met within that week, there is no mistake within not meeting.


Correction: And how is that a mistake? Models wear makeup too, you know.

This correction seems to be done without watching the scene. And confuses the term "modeling" into thinking Kramer is a model. Kramer went to Calvin Klein to talk to him about the beach perfume, he's not there as a model for a photo shoot. The mistake is valid.


The Scofflaw - S6-E13

Corrected entry: When the cop is telling Kramer about his history with The Scofflaw, he remarks, 'Mr. Kramer, that day was yesterday.' However he never actually refers to a specific day in the entire discussion. The line makes no sense.

Correction: The cop was telling a story about his "white whale" - a Dodge Diplomat he ticketed 16 years ago that had been avoiding paying its fines. He doesn't have to directly refer to a particular day, because Kramer understood he was talking about an earlier scene the previous day (when he inadvertently distracted him from identifying the car's driver).

JC Fernandez

The Hot Tub - S7-E5

Plot hole: When Elaine is searching for Jean Paul in the streets, one of her verbal flashbacks is of Jean Paul saying, "I trust Elaine, she is my friend." However, Jean Paul made this remark to Jerry, and Elaine was not there to hear it. How could she have a flashback of it?

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Question: During one episode, Jerry is dating a woman who's name he can't remember, but it rhymes with the name of a part of a woman's body. At the end he yells out the name to her down on the street. What is the name?


Answer: The name is Delores. He shouts that name at the end of the episode. Then in a later episode, "The Foundation", he runs into her. And he repeatedly calls her Delores.

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