Day 3: 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M. - S3-E19

Continuity mistake: When Kim is working undercover, dressed up in Saunder's daughter's clothes, she comes out of the Ladies' toilets wearing brown trainers. As she sits down at the library computer, you see she is wearing her very high heeled shoes. A few seconds later, as she is walking between the library shelves, she is wearing brown trainers.

Day 5: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM - S5-E15

Continuity mistake: Season 5 - 9pm-10pm, at 9:41pm. - Technical weapon error. When Jack takes the Federal Marshal's' Glock pistol, in an effort to add drama, he holds the pistol in his right hand and cocks it with his left hand by grabbing the slide, pulling it back, and releasing it to chamber another round. However, after he does this, the camera zooms in on the gun as it is pointed at Colette's' head and you can see that the slide is still back on the gun and NOT capable of firing at all.

Day 2: 6:00 A.M.-7:00 A.M. - S2-E23

Continuity mistake: When Kate Warner ascends the stairs in Kim Bauer bosses house, she holds her sunglasses in her left hand. When the camera changes she has sunglasses on her right hand and her left hand is empty.

Day 3: 8:00 A.M.-9:00 A.M. - S3-E20

Continuity mistake: When Jane Saunders gets into the car to go to CTU she and Kim have switched clothes again. Though the top worn by Jane is not the same as the one she wore earlier, which Kim then used. It's similar but not identical.

Day 2: 11:00 A.M.-12:00 Noon - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: In the long shot showing Kate and Reza driving down the highway, in the background of the passenger side, we can see a very tall wooden partition. However, the close shots of Kate talking shows a lush green background - suddenly there is no partition. (00:30:00 - 00:31:00)


Day 2: 5:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M. - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: Marie Warner goes to see Reza at her father's office at about 5:30. When she enters the office, she puts her handbag on the table and embraces Reza. After they embrace she picks her handbag up from the floor next to Reza's chair. There was no time or opportunity for anyone to move her bag.

Day 4: 5:00 A.M.-6:00 A.M. - S4-E23

Continuity mistake: In the first scene where we see Tony as a hostage, Mandy comes over to him and he has a white gag in his mouth, which is taut. Mandy says, "Is she gonna do the same for you?" and the camera cuts back to Tony, whose gag is now limp on both sides.

Day 4: 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M. - S4-E7

Continuity mistake: When we first see the map of the powerplants that are successfully shut down (green) all the plants in Minnesota are green. Towards the end, however, one of them is shown flashing red, meaning it has not been shut down.


Day 3: 10:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M. - S3-E22

Continuity mistake: During the hostage exchange, there is a shot of the black man waiting for Jane Saunders to walk to him, in the background we can just see a man stood behind a car door. However, in the wider shots and when Saunders jumps out of his car, the man is not there.

Day 2: 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M. - S2-E24

Continuity mistake: During the showdown between Jack and Kingsley at the colloseum, the shadows made by the early morning sun change throughout the sequence. By the time the SWAT-team arrives, the sunlight comes from the other side entirely. (00:20:50 - 00:29:45)

Day 4: 2:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: When James phones Jack, who is at Tony's house with Audrey, Jack says they are at "21408, Kipling, North Hollywood". Later, when Secret Service arrives to pick up Audrey, Jack walks outside the house, where we see the house number is actually 21048. The same can be seen earlier when Tony, Audrey and Jack first arrive at the house, but not as close-up. (00:25:05 - 00:30:05)


24 mistake picture

1:00 A.M.-2:00 A.M. - S1-E2

Visible crew/equipment: Jack Bauer and his boss are in a building at night with a shooter hidden somewhere. They open a door and look very carefully to the right and then to the left before going through the door. On the right side you can briefly see two crew members and as the camera pulls forward they back up some so they won't be seen. (00:23:50)

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[Jack and Tony are talking over a cellphone. Jack is trying to convince Tony not to kill Christopher Henderson.]
Jack: Tony! This won't bring back Michelle.
Tony: I know, but it will make me feel better.
Jack: Trust me, you won't.
Tony: Yeah, I probably won't. I'll let you know.

More quotes from 24

Trivia: Each member of the cast of 24 is required to trim their hair every 5 days.

More trivia for 24

Day 6: 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM - S6-E23

Question: When VP Daniels and Tom are in the oval office talking about K Hayes and B Buchanan, as Tom leaves the room it cuts to a close up of VP Daniels. Just behind him is a photograph in a frame where the photo somehow moves? Was this intentional, as it caught my eye and I cannot explain it.


Answer: This is unintentional and a simple continuity mistake.


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