All The Way - S6-E6
Visible crew/equipment: A boom mic is reflected in the window of Buffy's house when she and Xander sit outside discussing his engagement to Anya.
Visible crew/equipment: When the Scoobies are attempting to leave Buffy's house by using magic, we see a close up shot of the house's front door knob. None of the Scoobies are reflected in the door knob even though they're standing right in front of it. There is also a fairly large black object reflected in it. A film crew perhaps?
After Life - S6-E3
Visible crew/equipment: When Dawn is possessed by the demon and breathes fire in the magic shop, in the bottom right corner of the screen in one of the shots, a metal tube can be seen blowing fire onto the set when it should be coming from Dawn's mouth. A hand can also be seen holding a blow torch, igniting the tube and then quickly pulling out of shot.
Visible crew/equipment: When Willow and Dawn are running away from the demon, Willow uses magic to unlock a car for them to escape in. On the right side of the screen, shadows of crew members can be see as the car's doors open and are gone when Willow uses magic to make the car drive away.
Visible crew/equipment: When the camera pans to Willow on top of the crypt, on the right side of the screen you can see part of the camera.
Life Serial - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: When Jonathan, Warren and Andrew are spying on Buffy at the construction site after she kills all the demons, a camera crew is reflected in the binoculars when Warren looks through them.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Visible crew/equipment: Right after the "I'll never tell" song, Giles, Anya and Xander walk down the sidewalk, the cameraman is visible for a short time in the windows on their left. (00:17:05)
Visible crew/equipment: When Xander is leaning over the hole in the cemetery into which Buffy and Dawn have fallen, he causes the edge of the hole to collapse. Seen from below, everything is fine, but the shot from above Xander shows a hand grabbing hold of the back of his trousers and his briefs are visible.
Visible crew/equipment: Just after Dawn says "I like the trailers", we fade to black/commercials, then up again. Keep a close eye on the left side of the screen - you can see what looks like someone's hand flash into frame for a second, despite Dawn being alone in the room - looks like the director's hand signalling action. (00:25:50)
Visible crew/equipment: When Buffy and Dawn are at the top of the metal tower, and Buffy is still very dazed from being called back, there is an overhead shot with a piece of the tower falling down; if you look left of the falling piece, you can see a guy wearing a hard hat walking about.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Visible crew/equipment: When Buffy kicks the front door of The Bronze down to confront Sweet and save Dawn, a cable can be seen attached to the door used to pull it down.
Seeing Red - S6-E19
Visible crew/equipment: When Buffy says, "Goodnight, bitch" to Warren, right before she kicks him it is quite obvious that it is his stunt double.
Visible crew/equipment: Season 6, Episode 'Villains,' when Willow is chasing Warren through the forest, trees move out of her way to let her pass. When the trees behind her move back into place, in one shot you can see the rope they used to tug one of the trees down.
Visible crew/equipment: After Giles' heavy machinery joke, the shadow of a boom mic is visible on a gravestone behind Tara on the far left of the screen.

Life Serial - S6-E5
Visible crew/equipment: When Xander is talking to Buffy about blacking out and evil lint before introducing her to the foreman at the construction site, a crew member can be seen walking behind them holding up an anti-glare screen. (Only visible in widescreen.)
Visible crew/equipment: At the beginning of the episode after the Buffybot kills the remaining vampires and the rest of the gang is grouped together, the shadow of a boom mic can be seen below a tall gravestone behind Giles, far right of the screen.
Visible crew/equipment: After Anya teleports to the jail leaving Buffy and Xander in the forest, the shadow of cameraman walking backwards can be seen as Buffy and Xander make their way to Xander's car. Look closely, the shadow is visible and Buffy tells Xander not to be too sure about Anya being able to handle Willow tonight.
Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Anya is going over her wedding vows with Tara, she steps down from her dressing platform. As she steps down, part of the camera can be seen on the far left of the screen, obstructing the shot.
Visible crew/equipment: In the final scene with Anya and D'Hoffryn the edge of the backdrop (and the set behind it) is visible when D'Hoffryn walks around her. (00:40:10)
Answer: She has superpowers, ergo fast movement. The reason she outruns him so easily in "Touched" is that she stops trying to actually fight him and just dodges instead.