Tabula Rasa - S6-E8
Corrected entry: Why is the loan shark trying to kill Spike at the start? If he stakes him he's never going to get his kittens. Surely it would be better to torture him with crosses or holy water?
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the opening song of 'Once More, With Feeling', Buffy stabs a demon with a sword. She then walks across to the hostage and cuts him free, but when we see the sword there isn't any blood, despite the fact that seconds ago there was a demon impaled on it.
Correction: We don't see the blade actually enter the demon, so there is no evidence that this demon race bleeds at all. Other demons encountered in, for example, "Life Serial" leave no physical trace when they die.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: During the episode 'All The Way' Anya mentions that she's having a huge blowout sale the next day. The next episode is 'Once More, With Feeling' which picks up the very next morning (Tara wakes up to find the Lethe's bramble on her pillow, which Willow placed there at the end of "All The Way"), but during the scenes in the shop on that day there are no signs, no banners, no customers - nothing to indicate a huge sale.
Correction: Anya says there will be a "postholiday clearance sale." These are rarely advertised, especially by small businesses with minimal advertising budgets - usually it's just a section of the store marked off. The disruption in daily life caused by the musical magic also puts the town into a confused state, so people wouldn't be in a hurry to go shopping and perhaps even Anya might be off her game in terms of salesmanship.
Life Serial - S6-E5
Corrected entry: In 'Life Serial', when we see the monitors in the Trio's van as Buffy looks into the time-shifting device, all the students running around behind her have disappeared.
Correction: Given that the Trio are probably unwilling to subject themselves to the same time shifts that Buffy is going through, they have to find a way to monitor her without making themselves vulnerable. Earlier, Warren mentioned all the high-tech monitoring equipment the van is equipped with. Since he also invented the time-shifting devices, he could invent a camera that would stay synchronized in Buffy's time continuum. Such a camera would ignore things outside this continuum as unnecessary distractions, such as other students in normal time.
Life Serial - S6-E5
Corrected entry: In 'Life Serial', when Warren is in the college corridor looking up at the camera there are loads of students around him, but when we see things on Jonathon and Andrew's monitors, the corridor around him is deserted.
Correction: While there are many students in the corridor he just left and one who walks past him into the main corridor as Warren rounds the corner, we never see anyone else in the side hallway with Warren. That is the reason he stopped in this particular hallway: so that he could test his microphone and the Three's tap into the school security cameras without being observed.
Tabula Rasa - S6-E8
Corrected entry: When they all collapse in the magic box, Spike is kind of slumped over on the counter but then in the next shot he's lying comfortably on his back with his arms crossed behind his head.
Correction: Many people move around in their sleep, and Spike could have stretched out while asleep without falling off the counter as he does later. I'm sure he's slept in many a narrow space in his time and his body can unconsciously roll him around without taking a lot of space.
Corrected entry: When the Trio are talking to the demon in 'Flooded', the video game on the TV behind them still keeps going even though there's no one playing it.
Correction: This often happens with video games. If you don't select an option from the main menu after a set amount of time, the game shows a demo, ie. clips of the game being played, to prevent screen burn caused by the stationary image of the main menu.
Corrected entry: In the opening episode to season 6, the Scoobies are using the BuffyBot to try to make everyone think that the Slayer is still alive. If that's so important, then why do they have her grave marked with a headstone with her name on it? 'The Wish' proves that bad guys do know her name. Vampire Xander: "Buffy. Isn't that what they call the Slayer?" This shows that the smarter demons and vampires do have some idea who she is. Add the fact that it wasn't just demons but Dawn's school and Mr. Summers they were trying to trick into thinking Buffy was alive and a marked tombstone is a very bad idea.
Correction: Buffy's grave was placed away from where people would easily see it. When the Scoobs raised Buffy from the dead, she was buried in the middle of the woods, so people would be unlikely to find it.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In 'Once More With Feeling', look closely at Parking Ticket Woman's car. There is no glass at all in the left hand side, presumably to avoid the camera's reflection being visible. The windows aren't just rolled down - even the smallest one at the back is missing, and that one can't be rolled down.
Correction: I checked the episode "Once More, With Feeling," and I couldn't even see the back window of the parking ticket lady's car. The first window has the glass, but it wan't possible to see the back window through the officer.
Corrected entry: When Amy is de-ratted in season 6 she is quite strong, almost as strong as Willow - she can move things with a glance and turn people into goats with a wave of her hand. But when she turned herself into a rat in season 3 she had nowhere near this level of power - if she did she could have escaped from MOO with ease, and not in a way that left her a rodent for 3 years. How have Amy's powers grown so much?
Correction: This seems to make a huge assumption about her level of magical power, since she was only an occasionally recurring character. She easily turned herself into a rat with little or no effort, and Willow commented on what a powerful witch she was. We have no reason to suppose that she wasn't a very talented witch even before she went ratty.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: Whenever a character indirectly causes an innocent death (ie, Giles in 'The Dark Age' or Anya in 'Selfless') they have understandably been shown to feel a lot of guilt, showing that civilian deaths aren't just taken for granted. In 'Once More, With Feeling' Xander raises a demon that kills at least 3 people, yet there is no reproachment from the others or obvious guilt on his part. Why?
Correction: Because when it's revealed, they have the slightly more pressing problem of the demon to deal with, then the episode ends pretty much once the demon's gone (after the last song, of course). Plus there's the slight matter of the fact that they dragged their best friend out of heaven to deal with. Not a lot of time for on-screen guilt there - no doubt all that took place off-camera, after the episode.
Corrected entry: In 'Normal Again', season 6, we learn that Buffy was in a mental clinic after telling her parents about vampires. In 'Becoming', season 2, when Joyce found out the truth about Sunnydale why didn't she mention this? It had only happened a year or two before, and a simple 'Oh god, Buffy, you were right' or 'Sorry for sending you to the funny farm, sweetie' would have been the obvious thing for her to say.
Correction: The truth about Sunnydale was something of a shock for Joyce - it would have taken her a while to absorb it properly. Most likely she did eventually apologise to Buffy about the clinic, once Buffy'd come back in season 3, anyway, but it presumably happened off-camera.
Corrected entry: In 'Hell's Bells' the only part of Dawn's conversation Anya could have heard is "...he's just run off and no one can find him". Given that she had already been told the cleric had run off to perform a C-section how does she instantly realise that it's Xander Dawn is talking about? Shouldn't her first thought be that Dawn is talking about the missing cleric?
Correction: Well, if she thought the cleric had left for a specific reason, she wouldn't expect anyone to be trying to find him - as they knew where he went, so it couldn't really be him that Dawn was talking about. Xander is the only other male who is essential for the ceremony, plus the fact that she knows him well enough to suspect he might suffer from cold feet.
Corrected entry: When Buffybot shorts out in the alley in 'Bargaining, part 1' she automatically returns to the Summers home to find Willow, suggesting she goes wherever Willow is likely to be. Later in the episode when she's wounded by Razor she runs straight to the grave where the others are. Shouldn't her first objective have been to return to the Summers house, and if not, how did she know where they would be?
Life Serial - S6-E5
Corrected entry: In 'Life Serial' we find out Giles has a mummy hand that can be used to perform a prosperity spell. There are no side effects or Consequences or he wouldn't have it in his shop, so why doesn't he use it to help Buffy out of her debt problems?
Correction: He does help Buffy out financially, and there is no indication that he does not use a mummy hand. Besides, as shown in "Once More, With Feeling", at this time he has come to realize that Buffy needs to take care of her own problems instead of relying on other people.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In "Once More, With Feeling" Buffy reveals to the other Scoobies that she was in Heaven, if this is the case, how come Willow extracted her from Hell? Surely she couldn't have done so if Buffy wasn't even there.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the episode "Once More With Feeling," when Dawn and Sweet sing their song at the Bronze, Michelle Trachtenberg obviously forgets her lines and looks around confused for a couple of seconds before going back to singing.
Correction: All the songs from this episode were recorded and dubbed (this is why they use a graveyard they haven't before as it is near LAX and the planes normally interfere) so it is impossible that Michelle could have forgotten her words. She is looking around as - quite understandably - she is terrified, it is a dramatic pause.
Corrected entry: Both times that Anyanka reversed wishes (in 'Beneath You' and 'Selfless') she has had to pay a price - sacrificing her teleportation power and Halfrek, respectively, but in 'Older And Far Away' Halfrek reverses Dawn's wish with no fuss and no penalty at all.
Correction: Anya lost her teleportation power at the end of season six (albeit off screen) because she over used it ("it's not a right, it's a privilege"). When Halfrek is sacrificed, this is because she is trying to reverse the DEATHS of victims and "the proverbial scales must balance" However Halfrek reversing The Wish requires no penalty as she is not trying to bring someone back to life. In the same way, Anya did NOT have to pay a penalty in 'Beneath You'
Corrected entry: When Spike is threatening the nerds' Boba Fett figure, they state that it is a "limited editon, 1979 figure." Boba Fett did not appear until the Empire Strikes Back, which was not released until 1980.
Correction: Boba Fett first appeared in The Star Wars Christmas Special, which was released on American television in 1978.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: During the episode 'Once More With Feeling' all the characters are forced to tell the truth when they sing, but Xander lies flat out when he says during the song 'I've Got a Theory' that he thinks it might be witches, since he knows it's the talisman he used that's causing the singing.
Correction: Right after Xander's "theory" about witches, he takes it back with "which is ridiculous". Though it's because of Willow and Tara, he is still taking back his fake theory, thus still telling the truth that he doesn't believe it to be witches. Coming out and saying that he did it wouldn't follow the theme of the song.
Correction: If you watch in slowmo you can see that, though the stake was at the proper height for Spike's heart, it was a little wide and would actually have shot behind him. It was a warning to get Spike's attention. Buffy couldn't predict this and acted to protect him anyway.