Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo

Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo (1997)

3 factual errors in season 2 - chronological order

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Young Kidaichi's Murder: File 4 - S2-E4

Factual error: The bittersweet ending is powerful from a dramatic point of view, but also impossible, because law (in Japan, at least) explicitly forbids organs coming from suicide victims to go to their family members, to prevent behaviour exactly like the one displayed here.


Yukiyasha Legend Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E16

Factual error: Kindaichi begins his revelations at 4:10, and the time gradually shifts at 4:20 (which is a bit much for the amount of information revealed and the dynamics of the conversation, but okay). He then moves to the river, which is a couple minutes away from the house by car, to deliver the rest of his speech, and the sun dawns at that moment. It's a Japanese winter with -20 C°, the sun surely wouldn't rise at 4 AM. (00:06:30 - 00:12:00)


Magical Express Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E12

Audio problem: When Kindaichi understands the trick and runs away from the murder room, Miyuki as usual exclaims "Hajime-chan!" but with a curious flub in animation, her tongue moves but not her lips. Try to say "Hajime-chan" keeping your mouth open all the time, it's fun. (00:18:45)


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