Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo

Kindaichi shônen no jiken bo (1997)

87 mistakes in season 2 - chronological order

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Magical Express Murder Case: File 1 - S2-E10

Continuity mistake: Throughout the four parter, in a variety of shots (it would be redundant to list them all), the collar of Akechi's orange shirt, which he wears over the brown jacket, disappears, showing just the brown jacket even when the detail of the collar would be visible - and sometimes it is even drawn but colored over wrong.


Magical Express Murder Case: File 2 - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: External shot of the "Station Hotel"; there's the sign with glowing letters, and then a smaller one above the front door. The two words are written on separate lines, but the establishing shot of the hotel at the end of the previous episode showed "Station Hotel" written on a single line. (00:03:10)


Magical Express Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E12

Continuity mistake: The writing on her chest disappears from Miyuki's top when Kindaichi shuts the train compartment door, and is back in the rest of the scene save for the shot when he reopens it, which has the same angle. The writing ("PoPo") is sometimes practically at the neckline, other times a few inches below. (00:09:20)


Magical Express Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E12

Character mistake: In Akechi's flashback, the board with the flight for Los Angeles has accurate names of airline companies (they seem to have swapped "Virgin" with "Kristen", for some reason) but the flights for Seoul is from "KSREAN" Air, clear misspelling of "Korean." (00:14:15)


Magical Express Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E12

Revealing mistake: Akechi learns about Reiko Chikamiya's death from the newspaper. It's not a very respectful newspaper, since at first glance you can see in the body of the article a big "DUH." A column away, you can also read "he's the best running back in the X-league", which certainly the middle aged woman wasn't. (00:15:40)


Magical Express Murder Case: File 3 - S2-E12

Audio problem: When Kindaichi understands the trick and runs away from the murder room, Miyuki as usual exclaims "Hajime-chan!" but with a curious flub in animation, her tongue moves but not her lips. Try to say "Hajime-chan" keeping your mouth open all the time, it's fun. (00:18:45)


Magical Express Murder Case: File 4 - S2-E13

Plot hole: The ending twist is nonsensical; the disciples have been using the tricks in Reiko Chikamiya's notebook for over 5 years, so the 'trap' inside the notebook could, and should, have happened at any point during that time. There's nothing in the killer's actions that makes that particular magic trick happen, nor he swapped or manipulated it.


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