Other mistake: The tryout match happens on a field with no audience at all. Hyuga just lies there on a bench without anyone saying anything to him. Both the coach and Misaki know who he is, but nobody noticed him when he was a hugely conspicuous presence. Of course his interference in the match is pure anime silliness; nobody bats an eyelid during his invasion, and he fetches the ball from the forward unnoticed, coming from the opposite goal area.
The Verification Test - S1-E16
Other mistake: After Misaki's flashback, Tsubasa stops the football, that is animated with a weird flickering under his foot. (00:06:20)
The Football Is My Best Friend - S1-E4
Other mistake: Shuutetsu's sweeper Shingo Takasugi is the victim of an obvious coloring error during his introduction, and as he kicks the ball from the defense he is shown wearing the purple and blue uniform of the goalkeeper instead of the teal and red of the team jersey. Some international dubs even try to cover the mistake making up a line about him being a substitute keeper in absence of Genzo (but his jersey changes intermittently). (00:08:55)
The Football Is My Best Friend - S1-E4
Other mistake: Look at the bleachers when Ryo tells to the team that they need to examine Shuutetsu's playing; there are 11 players wearing the jersey, plus Tsubasa who is off to watch it running by the railing. Too many for the size of their team. (00:07:25)
Other mistake: The animation of the team laughing at Ryo's joke about scoring 10 goals is botched to the point of the players basically convulsing. (00:12:55)
No Easy Way - S1-E12
Other mistake: Izawa's ball for Tsubasa has an impossible trajectory, coming down diagonally to the left after ascending diagonally to the right without curving. (00:07:50)
Other mistake: Nankatsu doesn't get a corner kick after the keeper fumbled the ball and a midfielder headed it past the line.
Kick-Off for the Future - S1-E3
Other mistake: Spurred by his new deskmate, Tsubasa juggles the ball and sends it with a header right onto the empty seat. Pretty sure it's forbidden in any school to just come to class with a football, but besides that; look at how the football is in view. How tall would the chair have to be for that to happen? Whoever sits on it has no room to put their legs under the desk for sure. (00:10:35)
Other mistake: Tsubasa 'powers' in this episode get nerfed in the rest of the series; he is in elementary school and yet his shot flies literally miles off to land with precision in the arms of Wakabayashi. If he had this power and precision during a match, he'd be superhuman.
Other mistake: Genzo's challenge invites anyone to score shooting outside the penalty area...but we see that at least the rugby captain is standing inside the box. (00:12:20)
Other mistake: When Tsubasa kicks the soccer ball returning Wakabayashi's shot, the ball goes under the lorry and flies past several drive shafts. (00:21:50)
Blocked Off - S1-E6
Other mistake: When Tsubasa's dad spurs him before the second half telling him that he hates losers, there are trees in the background. He is in the stadium with everyone else. (00:19:35)