Factual error: Dr. Hynek is showing a movie on a table projector. The light from the projector is shown directed towards a portable movie screen, and is covering maybe the center quarter of the screen. In the next shot the movie is occupying the entire screen. There is no way the projector being that close to the screen would show a full screen image. It would need a special wide angle lens, which the projector does not have, as shown by the tight beam of light from it. (00:03:40)
Factual error: General officer topcoats have two mohair stripes on the sleeve. The general wearing the topcoat has none. Second, hands in pockets are not allowed. Regulations state: "members will not... stand or walk with hands in pockets of any uniform combination, other than to insert or remove items." Third, it is unauthorized to turn up collars when it is cold. Gray scarves can be used. Also, the generals both have their 4-star shoulder insignias backwards. The points of the stars parallel to the epaulets should be towards the neck. (00:16:30)
Factual error: An Army Lieutenant comes in to announce a phone call. His fatigues have the top button buttoned. Not authorized. An exception is when a person is at the firing range. The top button can be buttoned while in firing position to prevent shell casings from dropping inside the shirt. (00:18:05)
Factual error: An Army Sergeant would under no circumstances be allowed to disrespect a Captain as he does Captain Quinn. (00:21:30)
Factual error: An entire platoon of Army soldiers salutes a civilian, which would never happen. (00:27:45)
Factual error: Army enlisted men were not allowed to sport scraggly beards in the early 1950s. (00:30:30)