Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993)

32 quotes from show generally

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Superman: But, when I save a life, in that instant, I know two things that most people will never figure out: Why I'm here, and how I can make a difference.

Martha: So now tell me more about this woman you're going to Lex Luthor's ball with.
Clark: Lois is... well she's complicated. Domineering, uncompromising, pig headed... brilliant.

Jimmy: How could you see that from all the way over there?
Clark: I have a... really strong prescription.

Clark Kent: I just wanted to say goodbye.
Lois Lane: Goodbye? We're partners.
Clark Kent: You don't need a partner Lois, you never did.
Lois Lane: Well, maybe not, but I was starting to like having one.

Emmet Vale: We'll just put the word out on the street that we need a donor.
Rollie: Emmet, we're scientists, we don't know anybody "on the street."

Lois Lane: I win, you lose, we're both happy.

Perry: Yeah, well, just remember there's no perfect sunsets. There's a little crack in every cloud, but that's what gives you your silver lining.

Jonathan Kent: Lois, Clark is strong. And I'm not talking about how much he can bench press. He's strong where it counts, and when it counts.

Lois Lane: So you're saying you would never lie to your wife, that's assuming someone would actually be crazy enough to say "I do' to you?

Lois Lane: Clark, you can do the horizontal rhumba with the entire Met-Net cheerleading squad for all I care, just keep your hands off my copy.

Perry: Real nice kid, millionaire by the time he was your age.
Jimmy: Yeah, well I had the mumps in sixth grade, kind of slowed me down.

Lois Lane: You still think I'm crazy?
Clark Kent: I think you're brilliant. But there is a fine line between brilliance and lunacy.

Lois Lane: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark Kent: You certainly are unique.

Tempus: Oh please, I'll go to jail, I'll strap myself into the electric chair, just don't make me listen to this.

Superman: Lois, I want you to know that I think what you did for Clark showed incredible bravery.
Lois Lane: It was nothing.
Superman: Was it?
Lois Lane: I guess not. I guess there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.

Lois Lane: What do I know? These glasses fooled me for two years. Oh boy, what a dope.

Lois Lane: You took advantage of our privileged interview session to steal highly incriminating evidence from an unsuspecting subject... Oh! I love that! Mmmm.

Lois Lane: Jimmy, give me back my dress.
Clark Kent: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.

Lois Lane: Well, that's a terrific reason to get married, to avoid harassment.

Show generally

Revealing mistake: There are numerous times throughout the series where the supposed big city of Metropolis is actually just a back lot set and none of the buildings are more than a couple of storeys high. Quite often the green hills of Southern California can be seen beyond the set and between the buildings.

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