Trivia: This series was one of the inspirations for Joss Whedon to create his incredibly popular internet short-film "Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog." "Guild" creator Felicia Day was eventually cast as the co-lead in "Dr. Horrible."
Trivia: Felicia Day was inspired to create the series after having become hopelessly addicted to real-life MMORPG "World of Warcraft", to the point she was barely able to function in her day to day life. While attending a support group held by a group of her friends who would encourage each other in their goals and personal projects, she was asked what her goal was. She couldn't think of anything, and randomly blurted out that she was working on a TV pilot based on her gaming addiction, just to have something to say. She ended up falling in love with the idea, and thus "The Guild" was born.
Trivia: Felicia Day spent several months trying to write the first season, but was unable to focus and had only accomplished a few character bios and a few rough pages of script. She eventually had a panic attack one night in December after becoming overwhelmed, and resolved that she would finish the first draft by the year's end, or else she would consider the project a failure and abandon it. She forced herself to work all day, every day on the script and finished the entire first season on New Year's Eve- having written almost everything start-to-finish in only a few week's time. She then honed the script over the following few months.
Trivia: The first season was extremely tightly budgeted and hectic to organize. Much of the season was filmed in the homes of creator Felicia Day and a few other crew members since set-space could not be afforded. Props and set dressing were typically acquired by dumpster-diving and picking up junk off the side of the road. And co-star Sandeep Parikh was partially cast because he was the only person Felicia Day knew that had guaranteed access to video-cameras that the production could use.