New Girl

New Girl (2011)

1 continuity mistake in A Father's Love - chronological order

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A Father's Love - S2-E13

Continuity mistake: When Schmidt and Robbie are spying on Cece's date, Schmidt sits down at Robbie's table to his left and after they both admit that they are still in love with her they bring it in for a hug. Cece walks over to confront them and they are still embracing each other, but they have suddenly switched places and Schmidt is on the right and Robbie is on the left.

Models - S2-E5

Other mistake: In the beginning when Jess is showing the guys her outfit for Cece's party, you can see she is wearing blue platform high heels. She walks in them just fine. But the next day, when she's filling in for Cece, she's given platform high heels and can't walk in them at all. (00:02:37 - 00:15:17)

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Nick Miller: I fell in love with Jess the minute she walked through the door.

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Question: Is there a reason that Coach was only in the first couple of episodes? It almost seems like they used him in place of Winston, I'm guessing because of a scheduling conflict. It's just really weird that it seems like Coach is going to be one of the main characters and yet Winston comes and Coach is just gone.


Chosen answer: Damon Wayons, Jr., who played Coach, took the role because he believed his current show, "Happy Endings" on ABC, was going to be cancelled. When it was renewed, he had to leave the cast of New Girl. He returned later in the series after Happy Endings was actually cancelled.


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