Revealing mistake: When the duel begins, the Shadow Duelist goes first. He has five cards in his left hand and draws a sixth card from his deck. He then places the sixth card next to the fifth card, and then picks up the fifth card in his hand, but the sixth card remains in the same position, without its position being affected by the fifth card being picked up. (00:12:32)

Revealing mistake: After the Shadow Duelist summons Infernal Queen Archfiend, Jaden says, "An Archfiend monster?" and the shot cuts back to the Shadow Duelist saying with that card on the field, every monster with Archfiend in its name gain 1000 attack points. In this shot, take note of the cards he is holding in his hand. He only appears to be holding onto two of the cards, but every other card in his hand appears to be held perfectly fine despite him not holding onto them. (00:12:41)

Revealing mistake: After the Shadow Duelist has activated the effect of Terrorking Archfiend and the flame has landed on the ball labelled 2, just as he says, "Mirror Gate is shattered", the card shown on his duel disk is misshapen, where two corners of the card are curved, instead of being straight. (00:16:23)

Continuity mistake: Jaden picks up a card from a deck which is revealed to be a Level 1 monster. He then places it on the table, still face up, on top of two other cards. When the shot cuts, it is suddenly face down, and the two other cards have disappeared. Then over a minute later, in the close-up of Professor Banner picking a card up from the deck, one of the monsters has reappeared next to the Level 1 monster. (00:02:29 - 00:03:43)

Continuity mistake: When Chumley hands Jaden his duel disk, Jaden puts it on and his deck of cards cannot be seen inside it. Jaden then walks over to face the Shadow Duelist, where his deck is suddenly inside the duel disk. Then a few seconds after that, he puts the deck of cards in the duel disk. (00:12:13)

Revealing mistake: When Jaden says "I got a whole army of vicious army of monsters in my deck just waiting to get at you", a small animation glitch occurs in the bottom right corner of the frame. Just as he begins saying "waiting", he moves his left arm slightly, and part of the red colouring on his blazer disappears from shot, almost as if the animators forgot to colour it in. (00:15:27)

Continuity mistake: After Jaden has picked up the Level 1 card, in the shot of Syrus saying to Jaden he really lucked out, there is one card on the table in front of Chumley. A couple seconds later, when the shot focuses on Chumley and Syrus after Jaden begins the story, there are suddenly two cards in front of Chumley. (00:02:29)

Revealing mistake: When Jaden says he's started hearing voices again, it cuts to a close-up of a flashback showing Jaden holding the Winged Kuriboh card. The shot appears to be flipped as the LIGHT symbol on the card, as well as the illustration of the card is reversed, compared to every other time this card is shown. (00:03:20)

Continuity mistake: After Jaden's life points have gone down to 1000, in the shot of Chazz saying, "Having some test anxiety", his arms are pointed down toward the ground. When the shot cuts to focus on Jaden, his arms are suddenly raised. (00:15:20)

Continuity mistake: When Jaden summons Elemental Hero Clayman to the field in defence mode, another version of the card appears beneath Clayman for him to kneel on. The card is shaded yellow, but around a minute later, the Clayman card is suddenly shaded orange. (00:10:14 - 00:11:09)

Continuity mistake: When Crowler reveals the rare cards in his jacket, on the top row, there is a spell card with an orange hammer on the illustration (This card is called Hammer Shot). There are then a series of close-ups of the card, and when the Hammer Shot card is shown in the close-up, it is suddenly on one of the middle rows. (00:08:10)

Continuity mistake: Crowler opens his trench coat to Chazz and his friends to reveal the rare cards. The cards are displayed in the boat as three separate rows, all equally distanced from one another. A couple seconds later, in the shot of Crowler saying "What's the matter, Chazz? Don't recognise me", the top row of cards is suddenly further away from the other two rows. (00:08:10)

Continuity mistake: When Jaden draws the Fusion Gate card, in the close-up shot of the card, it is facing toward him. In the next shot, the card is facing away from him and is also held differently (so that Jaden can place it on the duel disk). (00:14:00)

Other mistake: When Jaden summons Elemental Hero Clayman to the field, the card is shaded orange. Clayman does not have special abilities, and monsters without abilities are shaded yellow, and monsters with abilities are shaded yellow. The card also appears to be flipped, as the attack and defence points shown on the card are reversed. (00:16:50)

Continuity mistake: When Crowler breaks the lock to the girls' dorm, the lock and the chain that the lock is placed in land on the ground. The chain changes position when Syrus runs past it later in the scene. (00:06:02 - 00:06:52)

Revealing mistake: When Chazz summons Reborn Zombie in Defence Mode, the monster appears on the duel field, as well as the playing card beneath it, positioned at a horizontal angle, for it to stand on. The card casts a shadow on the ground, but the shadow can be seen lifting above the ground. (00:11:22)

Tag Team Trial: Part 1 - S1-E10
Other mistake: When Jaden explains Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster's ability to Syrus and the Paradox Brothers, Jaden has Rampart Blaster attack the brothers directly. Just as Jaden says "Blast them with rampart mirage!", Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster is in defense mode somehow standing on top of the Elemental Hero Clayman card, rather than the Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster card. (00:16:10)

Tag Team Trial: Part 1 - S1-E10
Other mistake: After Jaden has summoned Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster, Syrus states to Jaden that Gate Guardian's attack points are 3750 and Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster's defense points are only 2500. When Syrus is stating this to Jaden, it cuts to a reverse angle of Jaden and Syrus where Syrus says "Blaster will get blasted", you can see on Jaden's duel disk, the Elemental Hero Clayman card shown, rather than Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster. (00:15:55)

Tag Team Trial: Part 1 - S1-E10
Continuity mistake: Jaden fuses together Elemental Hero Burstinatrix and Elemental Hero Clayman to summon on out to the field Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster. As the monster's being summoned to the field, Jaden calls out the name and says "Beat that." As he says this, he extends his arm and the finger that is shown to be pointing is pointing slightly downwards. In the next shot, as Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster appears on the field, his finger is suddenly perfectly level with the rest of his arm. (00:15:40)

Tag Team Trial: Part 1 - S1-E10
Continuity mistake: Dox asks Para to take out the Sanga of the Thunder card from his deck which Para then does. He is shown taking out the card with two of his fingers placed on the very back of the card, but from a sudden close-up of Sanga of the Thunder, it is now only one finger placed around the back of the card. (00:09:25)