Revealing mistake: Just after Crowler asks himself why all the important decisions fall on his shoulders, the shot cuts to Syrus, Alexis and Hassleberry. Hassleberry says "What'd you talk yourself into doing, Professor" and puts his hands on his hips. When he does so, his left hand passes through his trouser leg. (00:04:14)

Inter-Dimension Detention - S3-E16
Revealing mistake: When Chazz says Jaden can have his bed, a weird animation error occurs regarding the bed. There is a white bedsheet that covers the mattress, and a small shadow can be seen underneath the pillow and duvet. When he starts to get up, the bedsheet momentarily switches to the colour of the shadow midway through the shot. (00:06:10)

Return of the Supreme King: Part 3 - S3-E51
Revealing mistake: After Yubel's life points go down to 400, she tells Jaden should he win, they will protect him. The shot after Jaden says "Protect me?", it cuts back to Yubel saying she has always tried to shelter him from harm. In this shot, the purple mark on her face cannot be seen and it is then suddenly animated onto her face midway through the shot. (00:11:37)
The Forbidden Ritual: Part 1 - S3-E40
Revealing mistake: Aster activates the ability of Destiny Hero Dunker, allowing him to send one Destiny Hero monster to his graveyard so that Adrian loses 500 life points. In the shot of the monster being placed into the slot where cards are sent to the graveyard, the bottom of the card is partially laid over the circular light on his duel disk beneath the slot. Despite this, the card remains completely straight and doesn't bend when placed over the light. (00:14:57)
Revealing mistake: When the main characters are in the other dimension, they are shown walking on sand quite a lot, but they never make any footprints when walking across it.

Unleash the Dragon: Part 2 - S3-E26
Revealing mistake: When Marcel activates Dimension Fusion Destruction, whilst explaining that by removing the three Sacred Beasts from play, he can summon a new monster, there is a shot of him saying "I can summon Chaos Phantasm Armityle." Right at the start of this shot, a minor animation error occurs where part of his hair suddenly becomes more shadowed partway into the shot. (00:14:25)

Revealing mistake: When Pegasus has finished designing the Rainbow Dragon card, Chancellor Shepherd and a group of background extras start applauding. There is one extra wearing a lab coat standing behind Shepherd with black hair, who is reused in the same shot when it pans over to another group of extras on the opposite side of the site. (00:03:20)

Revealing mistake: When Miss Fontaine is trying to contact Jaden, after she says "Please hurry", it cuts to a closer shot of her where she sighs. When this happens, she lifts the communication device up and down slightly. There is a small part of the device that is shadowed, but she moves slightly, the shadow suddenly vanishes. It doesn't fade away; it just blinks out of existence. (00:00:23)
The Night of the Living Duelists - S3-E18
Revealing mistake: When everyone is running into the locker room through the doorway, the first aid kit held by Jesse appears to clip through the door frame when this happens. (00:17:06)

The Night of the Living Duelists - S3-E18
Revealing mistake: When the Duel Ghouls are approaching the main characters, in the shot where Chazz walks to the front of the crowd, there are three ghouls who are drawn black, with no facial features or clothing, to give off the impression that they are shadowed. (00:16:00)
Champion or Chazz-Been? - S2-E2
Revealing mistake: After Bonaparte has introduced Reginald, it cuts to Jaden, Syrus, Alexis and Crowler sitting in the seating area. On the third row are two Slifer Red students. The first is looking at his cards, while the second is looking at the first student's cards as well. Later on, when Reginald has Gilford the Legend attack Chazz, it cuts to Jaden saying "Here we go", and those two students are in the exact same position, looking at the cards. Clearly the same animation was reused on both occasions. (00:03:58 - 00:11:03)
The Hands of Justice: Part 1 - S2-E50
Revealing mistake: Right before Chancellor Shepherd briefs the students about the tournament, there is a shot of Obelisk Blue and Ra Yellow students around the outside of the building. Later in the episode, after Zane gives his medal to Blair, the scene cuts to outside Duel Academy, and the exact same shot of the Obelisk Blue and Ra Yellow students has been repeated a second time. (00:02:48 - 00:08:45)

Revealing mistake: At the start of the duel, in the shot of Alexis saying "If you give me the key now...", the Society of Light dorm members can be seen sitting in the seating area in the background. On the front row, there appears to be two students merged into one seat. (00:11:50)
Don't Fear the Reaper - S2-E39
Revealing mistake: After Jaden summons Dandelion in defence mode, he places a card face down. When he goes to insert the card into the slot on his duel disk, his hand doesn't appear to align with the duel disk. His hand appears to pass over the spherical red light on the duel disk, and not the card slot. (00:13:02)

Revealing mistake: After the Shadow Duelist has activated the effect of Terrorking Archfiend and the flame has landed on the ball labelled 2, just as he says, "Mirror Gate is shattered", the card shown on his duel disk is misshapen, where two corners of the card are curved, instead of being straight. (00:16:23)

Revealing mistake: When Pierre says "You're only extending your fate, my Cherie, and not even by that long", the shot cuts to Alexis, shown from the side of her face. In the background, Crowler and Sheppard can be seen sitting in the seating area, but their bodies don't appear to be aligned with the seats and are shown passing onto the seat next to them. (00:14:02)

Revealing mistake: After the Shadow Duelist summons Infernal Queen Archfiend, Jaden says, "An Archfiend monster?" and the shot cuts back to the Shadow Duelist saying with that card on the field, every monster with Archfiend in its name gain 1000 attack points. In this shot, take note of the cards he is holding in his hand. He only appears to be holding onto two of the cards, but every other card in his hand appears to be held perfectly fine despite him not holding onto them. (00:12:41)

Revealing mistake: When the duel begins, the Shadow Duelist goes first. He has five cards in his left hand and draws a sixth card from his deck. He then places the sixth card next to the fifth card, and then picks up the fifth card in his hand, but the sixth card remains in the same position, without its position being affected by the fifth card being picked up. (00:12:32)

Revealing mistake: When Jaden says he's started hearing voices again, it cuts to a close-up of a flashback showing Jaden holding the Winged Kuriboh card. The shot appears to be flipped as the LIGHT symbol on the card, as well as the illustration of the card is reversed, compared to every other time this card is shown. (00:03:20)

Revealing mistake: When Jaden says "I got a whole army of vicious army of monsters in my deck just waiting to get at you", a small animation glitch occurs in the bottom right corner of the frame. Just as he begins saying "waiting", he moves his left arm slightly, and part of the red colouring on his blazer disappears from shot, almost as if the animators forgot to colour it in. (00:15:27)