Character mistake: When Jaden has his Elemental Hero Neos and Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab fuse together, he says "Roll call, Flame Scarab, Neos, contact fusion." When he says this, he incorrectly refers to Flare Scarab as Flame Scarab. (00:17:20)
The Hands of Justice: Part 1 - S2-E50
Revealing mistake: Right before Chancellor Shepherd briefs the students about the tournament, there is a shot of Obelisk Blue and Ra Yellow students around the outside of the building. Later in the episode, after Zane gives his medal to Blair, the scene cuts to outside Duel Academy, and the exact same shot of the Obelisk Blue and Ra Yellow students has been repeated a second time. (00:02:48 - 00:08:45)
Tough Love - S2-E43
Character mistake: When Zane activates the trap card Power Wall, he explains that for every card he sends to the graveyard, Syrus loses 100 points. What he meant to say, was that for every card he sends to the graveyard, the amount of life points he loses during the attack is reduced by 100 points. Since neither Zane nor Syrus lost life points during this, what he said was obviously incorrect. (00:14:47)

Blinded by the Light: Part 1 - S2-E35
Continuity mistake: When Aster shows Jaden and Hassleberry the medals he won, some of the medals can be seen in between each of his fingers. Two shots later, when Aster says "I guess I've done all right", there are two fingers where medals cannot be seen in between. (00:06:53)

Continuity mistake: When Jaden, Syrus and Hassleberry are preparing their meal, Hassleberry has the fish placed on a log where he cuts through the fish guts. Later, when a flashback of Aster telling the trio that Bastion is duelling Chazz is shown, the log can be seen, but the fish cannot be seen on it. (00:14:07 - 00:16:15)

Continuity mistake: When Alice is explaining to Jaden, Syrus and Hassleberry that she knew they were going to come back today, so she wanted to make a good first impression, Jaden has his hands on his lap. In the next shot, his hands are suddenly on the table. (00:02:55)
Continuity mistake: When the two aides have finished putting the shock collars on Zane's neck and limbs, he is looking straight forward. The next shot, he is suddenly looking at Mr Shroud, behind him. (00:06:33)

Other mistake: After Hassleberry activates Survival Instinct and removes from play two dinosaur monsters, the attack points of Curry Fiend Roo go up by 600. However, on the point display that is shown when the points go up, the word DEF can be seen, indicating that it is in defence mode. Since it is the attack points of this card that are going up, and it is currently in attack mode, the word ATK should have been shown in the point display instead. (00:16:18)

A New Breed of Hero: Part 1 - S2-E6
Continuity mistake: When Aster is being photographed and questioned by reporters after beating Zane, in the wide shot, there appears to be one or two reporters behind him. When it cuts to a closer shot of him, there are suddenly more reporters behind him. (00:00:01)

Continuity mistake: Zane finds a man lying on the ground in an alleyway with cards tossed around him. In the shot of Zane saying, "You all right", the cards on the ground change when it cuts to a closer shot of the man. (00:04:45)
Other mistake: When Jaden summons Elemental Hero Neos using his Silent Doom card, Neos is in defence mode when it appears on the field, but on the point display that appears when a monster is summoned, the word ATK is listed, meaning that it is in attack mode, when it should say DEF (defence mode). (00:10:20)

The Hands of Justice: Part 2 - S2-E51
Continuity mistake: When Blair summons Mystic Egg, in the close-up of the monster appearing, it's a few feet away from the line on the ground. A couple seconds later, when Blair says, "Bon appetite", the monster is directly on the line. (00:03:50)

The Hands of Justice: Part 1 - S2-E50
Continuity mistake: After the opening titles have played, there is a shot from above where explosions are around the forest and then the shot pans over to Duel Academy. In this shot, no-one can be seen outside the building. In the next shot, students have suddenly appeared in front of the building. (00:02:45)

The Phoenix Has Landed: Part 1 - S2-E48
Continuity mistake: When Aster activates D Fortune, he has his left hand positioned at his side. Then there is a close-up of his duel disk, and his left hand is over the front of his body. (00:18:22)

The Phoenix Has Landed: Part 1 - S2-E48
Continuity mistake: When Aster takes the Destiny Hero Plasma card to show Sartorius, he has two fingers pressed against the front of it. In the close-up shot, there is one only finger pressed against it. (00:06:19)
Other mistake: When Aster summons Destiny Heroes Diamond Dude and Captain Tenacious to the field, they are summoned in defence mode, but on the points display, the word ATK is shown, indicating that it is in attack mode. (00:14:42)
Other mistake: When Dr Collector activates Graceful Charity for the second time, he has it in his right hand. He then appears to lower the card off-screen, but then he goes to draw three cards from his deck with his right hand. He never placed Graceful Charity on his duel disk or sent it to his graveyard. It's just never seen in his hand again. (00:12:24)

Tough Love - S2-E43
Continuity mistake: When Jaden opens the top button on Syrus' blazer, five GX medals fall onto the ground. Three of the GX medals land face up, but two shots later, when Jaden goes to pick them up, all the medals are face down. (00:00:47)
Character mistake: After Alexis has White Knight Queen attack Sparkman and then has Snow Fairy attack Card Trooper, Jaden tells her that Sparkman's ability activates, which allows him to draw one card. This is not correct; it is actually Card Trooper that has the ability to let him draw one card, not Sparkman. (00:06:44)

Revealing mistake: At the start of the duel, in the shot of Alexis saying "If you give me the key now...", the Society of Light dorm members can be seen sitting in the seating area in the background. On the front row, there appears to be two students merged into one seat. (00:11:50)