One Day at a Time

One Day at a Time (1975)

2 mistakes - chronological order

(1 vote)

Ann's Decision - S1-E1

Factual error: Ann enters Julie/Barbara's room and Eton John's "Rocket Man" is playing. Barbara is siting in front of the turntable playing a 33 LP that has the distinctive Atlantic Records Red/White/Green label. Rocket Man was never published on Atlantic records. (00:19:00 - 00:20:00)


Plain Favorite - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: In the first five minutes of the show, the family tells Schneider that an electrical outlet needs to be worked on. As he starts to work on it, he tells someone to turn off breaker 3. When he is done, he tells the person to turn on breaker 4.

terry s

Ann Romano Royer: That Was BVD.
Ed Cooper, Julie's and Barbara's Father: BVD?
Ann Romano Royer: Before Vicky, Darling.

More quotes from One Day at a Time

Chosen answer: The firm had landed the "Texas Tiller" account and had decorated the office to make the people from Texas feel "at home". They felt that in addition to the Texas state flag and horns on the wall that a confederate flag was in order too (since Texas did join the Confederacy).


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