
Happinas's Happy Nurse! - S3-E13

Continuity mistake: When a front door opens when Ash is next to it, the handle on the door to the right of it is pink, but in the next shot, it is white. Also, Ash's bag is medium-green in colour, but in the next shot, it is dark-green. (00:01:51)


Spinarak Attack - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: When Team Rocket is by a patrolman, Jessie and James are 60 centimetres away from each other shoulder-to-shoulder, but in the next shot, they are half that distance away. (00:03:18)


Spinarak Attack - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: When Ash notices a Pokémon, the top of his hat goes from present to vanishing and then reappearing. The visor of his hat also goes from not being past the front of it to being past it. (00:01:27)


Pokemon mistake picture

Don't Touch That 'dile - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Ash and friends are with Nurse Joy when she is holding Totodile, Ash has gloves on his hands, but when Ash's image appears on a yellow screen, the hand portions of his gloves disappear, making it appear as if he was wearing wristbands. (00:19:22)


Pokemon mistake picture

Spinarak Attack - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: When Officer Jenny is looking at the bottle caps on the ground when two policemen come to her, the design of the shed's glass changes from when Team Rocket was looking at the building. (00:03:44)


Pokemon mistake picture

Spinarak Attack - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: When Brock is determined to solve the case, the glass pattern for the left of the front of the shed which had two triangles at the top facing downward changes to having one facing downward. Also, the bottom of the awning goes from being brown with protrusions to being white without them. Additionally, the building in the background changes from going past the centre of the shed to not while going from having the window seen above another straight with shutters to curved at the top without them. (00:05:10)


Pokemon mistake picture

Don't Touch That 'dile - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: When Ash's image is on a yellow screen, Ash has wristbands on his hands, but when Ash takes his Pokédex after Nurse Joy registers him for the Johto Pokémon League, hand portions appear on his wristbands, thus making him have gloves. (00:19:36)


Pokemon mistake picture

Ringuma in Shock! - S3-E39

Continuity mistake: In "Hot Matches!" when the Pokédex provides facts on Skarmory, its rectangular buttons are 10 millimetres away from each other, but when the Pokédex provides facts on Ursaring in this episode, the buttons are five millimetres away. Also, the antenna goes from being present to absent. (00:05:20)


Pokemon mistake picture

Airmd vs Hinoarashi! Wings of Steel!! - S3-E36

Continuity mistake: When Brock says that Growlithe must have lost a challenging match, part of his top right pocket is visible past his right strap, but in the next shot, it is not. Also, his left strap is closer his left sleeve, but in the next shot, it is closer his collar. Additionally, there is a crease on the right side of his vest, but in the next shot, there is not. (00:01:26)


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Suggested correction: I watched the shot and Chikorita is not in the pipe to begin with.


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Trivia: Ash's original Japanese name, Satoshi, is a reference to Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of the Pokémon franchise.

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Answer: There are a lot of fan theories around this, but the most common theme is that Pikachu had another trainer before Prof. Oak, who gave him to Ash. Pikachu didn't appreciate being handed over.


Answer: Well he had just caught him in the wild. Didn't even catch him with a traditional poke ball but like tied him up with a rope. So I would imagine so, yes.

Quantom X

You would imagine yes what? What are you talking about).

Sorry, I misread the question. I thought you were asking "DOES" he dislike Ash, not Why. It's been a while since I've seen the full episode. But from what I recall, Pikachu was wild, and Ash caught him through unconventional means without a pokeball. Tying him up with rope and stuff. So that's a good reason for any animal to not like someone when forced into a captive state in such a way.

Quantom X

That doesn't answer my question.

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