Continuity mistake: When the computer in Professor Oak's laboratory turns on, there are no lights or moulding, but in the next shot, there are. Also, the raised ceiling's limits to the left and right cannot be seen, but in the next shot, they can. Additionally, three panels are on the screen, but in the next shot, there are five. (00:06:29)

Continuity mistake: When Professor Oak asks, "Are you there already?" there are lights and moulding on the screen, but in the next shot, there are not. (00:06:31)

Continuity mistake: When Misty tells Ash that they should take a break, her bag disappears. This also happens when she says that they may be on a deserted island. (00:02:28)
Continuity mistake: When Ash allows Misty to have a break, there is no tree in front of the tree behind Ash that is closest to him, but in the next shot, there is. Also, Ash's head is turned, but in the next shot, it is not. (00:02:35)

Continuity mistake: When Ash tells Tracey to watch out, the strap on Misty's bag disappears. (00:06:30)

Continuity mistake: When Team Rocket is eavesdropping on Ash and his friends, Meowth does not have a lei, but in the next shot, one appears. (00:09:06)

Continuity mistake: Right before Tracey says that Ash is heading towards a cliff, Pikachu's tail turns completely yellow. (00:19:13)
Continuity mistake: When Ash calls out to Pikachu after he disappears, his bag disappears. (00:03:49)

Continuity mistake: When first showing the entrance to the satellite dish, three blocks are above the doors, but in the next shot, there are two. Also, there is a sign that says, "Keep Out," but in the next shot, there is no text on it. Additionally, there is a sign with "WARNING" with a skeleton angled to the top right coner of it with its arms and legs straight, but in the next shot, it has "WARNING!" with its skeleton pointing to the top left corner with its limbs bent. (00:06:42)

Continuity mistake: When Ash gets the certificate, part of Pikachu disappears briefly. Also, the man with a red shirt goes from having a split in his shirt too not. Additionally, a girl with an orange shirt between Ash and Officer Jenny goes from being there to vanishing with a man with a yellow shirt going from absent to present. Furthermore, the woman with a green tank top goes from having pink shorts and people to the right of her to having pink pants and not having people to her right. (00:20:20)

Continuity mistake: When Meowth says that he will use The Crystal Onix to make a charm, his white claws turn cream, like his body. (00:16:51)

Continuity mistake: In several shots throughout the episode, the black straps on Tracey's bag turn orange.

Continuity mistake: When Misty says, "I wouldn't be surprised if the next gym leaders are tougher than the last ones," the right strap of Tracey's rucksack is on his collar, but in the next shot, it is not. Also, the marks on Ash's cheek go from looking like zs to looking like two pairs of lines. Additionally, his mouth is open, but in the next shot, it is closed. (00:01:42)

Continuity mistake: When Tracey wonders why everyone is outside the museum, the black straps on his bag turn orange, like the rest of the bag. (00:05:29)

Continuity mistake: When Tracey asks if Misty is coming with him and Ash, part of Misty's arms changes from skin-colour to yellow. (00:01:49)

Continuity mistake: When Misty steps on Tracey, Tracey's blue shoes turn black. (00:02:13)

Continuity mistake: When Ash throws a Poké Ball to catch Scyther, his bag disappears. (00:04:40)

Continuity mistake: When Lickitung runs into Victreebel, its pink eyebrows turn yellow. (00:17:15)

Continuity mistake: When Tracey recalls Scyther, the ring around the button on the Poké Ball disappears. (00:20:36)

Continuity mistake: When Team Rocket blasts off, Arbok's pattern changes from red with yellow centres to yellow with red centres. (00:19:03)