Heather Chandler: Corn Nuts.
Veronica Sawyer: Plain or BQ?
Heather Chandler: BQ.
Veronica Sawyer: If you think I'm doing another suicide note you're wrong.
J.D.: You don't get it do you? Society nods its head at any horror the American teenager can think upon itself. Nobody is going to care about exact handwriting.
Heather McNamara: God, they're not gonna expel him. They'll just suspend him for a week or something.
Heather Chandler: He used a real gun, they should throw his ass in jail.
Veronica Sawyer: He used blanks. All he did was ruin 2 pairs of pants, maybe not even that... can you bleach out urine stains?
Heather McNamara: God, aren't they fed yet? Do they even have Thanksgiving in Africa?
Veronica Sawyer: Oh, sure. Pilgrims, Indians... Tator Tots. It's a real party continent.
Veronica Sawyer: Watch it Heather, you might be digesting food there.
Heather McNamara: Yeah, where's your urge to purge?
Heather Duke: Fuck it.
Veronica Sawyer: Great pate, mom, but I gotta motor if I wanna be ready for that party tonight.
Deborah Pellicotti: Well you know, honey, there's just too many people in the world God to care about everyone. So that's why we look after each other.
Friedrich Bhaer: I am going to the west. They need teachers and they are not so concerned about the accent.
Jo March: I don't mind it either.
Laurie: I have loved you since the moment I clapped eyes on you. What could be more reasonable than to marry you?
Jo March: We'd kill each other.
Laurie: Nonsense.
Jo March: Neither of us can keep our temper-.
Laurie: I can, unless provoked.
Jo March: We're both stupidly stubborn, especially you. We'd only quarrel.
Laurie: I wouldn't.
Jo March: You can't even propose without quarreling.
Charlotte Flax: So Joe, tell me about the nuns in the convent. Do they wear underwear in the shower?
Charlotte Flax: Oh god. I think I might be pregnant with the next Jewish Italian Messiah.
Charlotte Flax: Sometimes I feel like you're the child and I'm the grown up.
Rachel Flax: Alright, you know what? I'll make you a deal. You stop being a little bitch for, let's say, oh, I don't know, an hour or two, and I won't knock the religion of your choice for a week. Deal?
Charlotte Flax: Deal.
Rachel Flax: Who's that?
Charlotte Flax: That's Mr. Crane, my history teacher, and he is very nice.
Rachel Flax: He is an asshole.
Charlotte Flax: You haven't even spoken to him yet.
Rachel Flax: Charlotte, I don't need to speak to him. He's driving an Edsel, for Christ's sake.
Charlotte Flax: A word about Mrs. Flax and food: the word is "hors d'oeurves." Fun Finger Foods is her main source book and it's all the woman cooks.
Charlotte Flax: He has the most beautiful skin in captivity, I love him because he wears moccasins in the winter even though his feet must feel like blocks of ice.
Charlotte Flax: I wanted to ask her what color her bra was and if she had pure thoughts every second of the day, but.
Lelaina Pierce: Are you religious?
Michael Grates: Um, uh, I guess, uh, I guess I'm, uh, a non-practicing Jew.
Lelaina Pierce: Hey, I'm a non-practicing virgin.
Lelaina Pierce: You guys better not be inhaling.
Lelaina Pierce: I'm not going to work at the Gap for Chrissake.
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