Quotes from Vincent Price movies and TV shows - page 2 of 3

Nicholas Van Ryn: You mentioned my age several times now, sir. Does it affect your confidence in me? Alexander the Great, when he was younger than I, had conquered most of the world.
Ephraim Wells: Maybe if he had been older, he'd have conquered all of it, or maybe he'd have had the sense not to try in the first place.

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Simon Orne: Joseph, have you not gorged yourself enough on revenge?
Charles Dexter Ward: You do not know the extent of my appetite, Simon. I'll not have my fill of revenge until this village is a graveyard. Until they have felt, as I did, the kiss of fire on their soft bare flesh. All of them. Have patience my friends. Surely, after all these years, I'm entitled to a few small amusements.

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Prof. Henry Jarrod: Everything I ever loved has been taken away from me, but not you, my Marie Antoinette, for I will give you eternal life.

Prof. Henry Jarrod: Once in his lifetime, every artist feels the hand of God, and creates something that comes alive.

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Frederick Loren: The caretakers will leave at midnight, locking us in here until they come back in the morning. Once the door is locked, there's no way out. The windows have bars that a jail would be proud of, and the only door to the outside locks like vault. There's no electricity, no phone, no-one within miles, so no way to call for help.
Watson Pritchard: Like a coffin.

Frederick Loren: This is Lance Schroeder, a test pilot. He's no doubt a brave man, but don't you think you can be much braver if you're paid for it? And I happen to know that Lance needs the ten thousand I'm giving, if he's brave enough to stay all night.

Frederick Loren: I am Frederick Loren, and I have rented the house on Haunted Hill tonight so that my wife can give a party. She's so amusing. There'll be food and drink and ghosts, and perhaps even a few murders. You're all invited. If any of you will spend the next twelve hours in this house, I will give you each ten thousand dollars, or your next of kin in case you don't survive. Ah, but here come our other guests.

Frederick Loren: This is Nora Manning, I picked her from the thousands of people who work for me because she needed the ten thousand more than most. She supports her whole family. Isn't she pretty?

Frederick Loren: Mr. Pritchard here promises us genuine ghosts.
Watson Pritchard: Seven now. Maybe more before morning.

Frederick Loren: It's a pity you didn't know when you started your game of murder that I was playing, too.

Frederick Loren: It was my wife's idea to have our guests come in funeral cars. Her sense of humor is, shall we say, original? She's so amusing. I dreamed up the hearse, it's empty now but after a night in the house on Haunted Hill, who knows?

Frederick Loren: Would you adore me as much if I were poor? No, all you want to be is a lovely widow.

Frederick Loren: Don't stay up thinking of ways to get rid of me, it makes wrinkles.

Frederick Loren: Wasn't there a man who threw his wife into a wine vat or something?
Watson Pritchard: That was in the cellar. There's been a murder almost everywhere in this house.

Frederick Loren: It's almost time to lock up the house and then your party will really begin. I wonder how it will end.

More House on Haunted Hill quotes

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