Dr. Anton Phibes: Where can we find two better hemispheres, without sharp north, without declining west? My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears, and true plain hearts do in thee faces rest. Within twenty-four hours, my work will be finished, and then, my precious jewel, I will join you in your setting. We shall be reunited forever in a secluded corner of the great elysian field of the beautiful beyond.
Dr. Vesalius: For God's sake.
Dr. Anton Phibes: Don't cry upon God, Dr. Vesalius. He is on my side! He led me, showed me the way in my quest for vengeance.
Dr. Malcolm Wells: In my report I shall state that death was caused by a stunning blow followed by severe laceration and hemorrhage.
Lt. Andy Anderson: In plain English, he didn't know what hit him.
Dr. Malcolm Wells: Oh he knew, but he didn't have time to think about it.
Lord Edward Whitman: H is for heretic.
Lord Edward Whitman: Oona. Of course. Once I showed her mercy. I should have killed her... Burke. I don't care how you do it - bring Oona to me.
Lord Edward Whitman: How much are we paying the weepers?
Bully boy: Five groats a head, my lord.
Lord Edward Whitman: See that they weep til dawn.
Dr. Anton Phibes: Go, Vulnavia. Your work is complete. Come and join us on the other side.
Dr. Anton Phibes: No force in all the world can stop us now!
Darius Biederbeck: So, that's it. The key.
Dr. Anton Phibes: My key.
Darius Biederbeck: No. For years I've searched. The Temple of Abiskis, the River of Life. It's mine, Phibes.
Dr. Anton Phibes: Then your beloved will die. For only the key will save her now.
Darius Biederbeck: You lie. The key controls the gates, nothing more.
Dr. Anton Phibes: The key controls the gates and much more: the life of your Diana. And you have only three minutes to use it. Now, save your Diana.
Dr. Anton Phibes: Victoria, for three years I have rested by your side. Now the Moon has risen to the exact position which last occurred 2,000 years ago, signaling the opening of this crypt, and the beginning of our greatest adventure. We shall embark to the land of Egypt, where years ago I did prepare for us a wondrous shrine. I shall search for the River of Life, which holds the key to resurrection for you and eternal life for both of us.
Darius Biederbeck: What kind of fiend are you?
Dr. Anton Phibes: The kind that wins, my friend.
Dr. Anton Phibes: Dear girl, man the machine.
Dr. Anton Phibes: You cannot threaten the dead with death, my friend. Only with life, eternal life!
Dr. Anton Phibes: I am protecting you, Victoria, from those who would discover us. I shall eliminate them all, one by one, my love. Yes, even Beiderbeck himself, if need be.
Dr. Anton Phibes: Oh, what happy times of years ago I think of, Victoria. It won't be long now. Soon you will be moving, breathing. Thy in my arms again and I in yours.
Darius Biederbeck: Phibes!
Dr. Anton Phibes: So, at last we meet, Beiderbeck.
Darius Biederbeck: Where's Diana?
Dr. Anton Phibes: Waiting, as we all must wait.
Miranda Wells: The breeze feels wonderful against my face.
Nicholas Van Ryn: The breeze must feel wonderful indeed with a face as beautiful as yours against it.
Miranda Wells: Nicholas - you do believe in God?
Nicholas Van Ryn: I believe in myself, and I am answerable to myself! I will not live according to printed mottoes like the directions on a medicine bottle.
Johanna Van Ryn: What can you possibly do up there?
Nicholas Van Ryn: Possibly? Anything from pinning butterflies to hiding an insane twin brother. Actually, I read. I hope that my explanation satisfies you?
Johanna Van Ryn: You can't imagine what it's like to be sick in this miserable, drab house.
Nicholas Van Ryn: I can't imagine that Dragonwyck could be either miserable or drab except to those who reflect misery or drabness within themselves.
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