Molly: I won the spelling bee today.
Manny Singer: You did? Corrina, did you hear that?
Corrina Washington: I heard it, now let's go eat, I'm starved.
Manny Singer: What was the word?
Molly: ...Vacuum.
Corrina Washington: Why don't we vacuum ourselves out the door?
Manny Singer: How do you spell vacuum?
Molly: ...H-O-O-V-E-R.
Corrina Washington: This is my favorite record.
Manny Singer: Really? Mine, too.
Corrina Washington: You know, Billie Holliday does a better version.
Manny Singer: No-one's better than Louie.
Manny Singer: Molly, why did you take my cigarettes? Answer me.
Molly: Corrina's husband went out for a carton of cigarettes and died. They all die. The TV said it.
Delivery Man 1: Why don't I just talk to Mrs. Singer?
Manny Singer: Oh, well... she's... she's... she's in the bathtub right now.
Manny Singer: Corrina, can I talk to you for a minute? Look, whatever you may believe in is fine for you, okay? Your heaven is fine for you, but Molly's mother was an atheist and so am I, and I don't want you telling her that her mother is somewhere she isn't.
Corrina Washington: Yes, Mr. Singer. I'll just continue to tell Molly her mother is in the bathtub.
Shoeless Joe Jackson: Ty Cobb wanted to play, but none of us could stand the son of a bitch when we were alive, so we told him to stick it.
Henry Hill: What happened?
Jimmy Conway: They whacked him. They fucking whacked him. I can't fucking believe it.
Henry Hill: Jimmy was the kind of guy that rooted for bad guys in the movies.
Morrie: Fuck 'em in the ear. Fuck 'em in the other ear, that son of a bitch. Did I ever bust his balls? Did I ever drop the dime on Jimmy?
Henry Hill: Drop the dime? What are you talking here? You know Jimmy Conway, you borrowed his money. Pay him so we can get the fuck outta here.
Morrie: I never agreed to 3 points on top of the vig! Am I something special? Some sort of schmuck on wheels?
Karen's Mother: My daughter says that uh, that you're half Jewish?
Henry Hill: Um, just the good half. (00:31:22)
Mason Verger: Oh, coulda, woulda, should. I mean what do you think about the money?
Paul Krendler: Five.
Mason Verger: Oh, let's just toss it off like 'five'! Let's say it with the respect it deserves.
Paul Krendler: Five-hundred-thousand-dollars.
Mason Verger: Well, that's better, but not much. Will it work?
Paul Krendler: It'll work. Won't be pretty.
Mason Verger: What ever is?
Clarice Starling: Paul, what is it with you? I told you to go home to your wife, that was wrong?
Paul Krendler: Don't flatter yourself, Starling. That was a long time ago. Why would I hold that against you? Besides, this town is full of cornpone country pussy.
Rhodes: All right. You want a plan? Everybody want a plan? Here's the plan, okay? No one's gonna move. We're gonna stay here, like this, in this room until dawn. No one leaves, no-one moves. [Aims at Larry] And if he tries anything I'm gonna shoot him! And if there's something out there and it comes in here, I'm gonna shoot it! And if anyone of us tries anything, I'm gonna shoot 'em!
Ed: We get it!
Rhodes: Good.
Ginny: Maybe it's the burial ground.
Ed: What?
Ginny: Read the brochure in there. It's all around us. A hundred years ago the government moved these Indians here. And they all died because there was no water.
Rhodes: What, now they're coming back to life like sea monkeys, huh? Come on, give me a break, sweetheart, will ya? Please.
Ginny: You remember that movie where the ten strangers went to an island, and then they all died, one by one? And then it turned out they weren't strangers, that they all had a connection.
Larry: And you don't mess with the wrong guy when he's gettin' revenge.
Rhodes: Shut up.
Ginny: I'm just saying that maybe's there some connection between all of us.
Ed: Like what?
Larry: We're all in Nevada.
Rhodes: Shut up.
Capt. T.C. Doyle: You slept with the wife of General "Kill-'em-all-and-let-God-sort-them-out" Richardson?
David Poole: I thought it was his daughter.
Capt. T.C. Doyle: Oh yeah, he would've been fine with that.
Capt. T.C. Doyle: Does anybody else here know how to work an elephant?
Harvey (H.A.) Ashford: I was in love with a fat woman once, but she never listened to me.
Capt. T.C. Doyle: Poole? Can you get me some more of that water buffalo tranquilizer?
David Poole: Really enjoyed that, didn't you Doyle? Linh was right, you ARE weird.
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