Molly: My daddy doesn't think she's in heaven.
Corrina Washington: Well, that's probably just because your daddy is so jealous of the angels. He's so jealous, he can't even stand to think about those angels who get to play with your mommy all day long. And he's hurting just like you're hurting, and you're going to hurt for a long time. Every day it'll get a little better, but you'll always miss your mommy, and that's okay.
Molly: Do you taste like chocolate?
Lizzie: I don't know, do you taste like vanilla?
Molly: I won the spelling bee today.
Manny Singer: You did? Corrina, did you hear that?
Corrina Washington: I heard it, now let's go eat, I'm starved.
Manny Singer: What was the word?
Molly: ...Vacuum.
Corrina Washington: Why don't we vacuum ourselves out the door?
Manny Singer: How do you spell vacuum?
Molly: ...H-O-O-V-E-R.
Delivery Man 1: Why don't I just talk to Mrs. Singer?
Manny Singer: Oh, well... she's... she's... she's in the bathtub right now.
Manny Singer: Corrina, can I talk to you for a minute? Look, whatever you may believe in is fine for you, okay? Your heaven is fine for you, but Molly's mother was an atheist and so am I, and I don't want you telling her that her mother is somewhere she isn't.
Corrina Washington: Yes, Mr. Singer. I'll just continue to tell Molly her mother is in the bathtub.
Grandma Eva: Manny, listen to me. A fish and a bird can fall in love, but where do they build their home?
Corrina Washington: This is my favorite record.
Manny Singer: Really? Mine, too.
Corrina Washington: You know, Billie Holliday does a better version.
Manny Singer: No-one's better than Louie.
Manny Singer: Molly, why did you take my cigarettes? Answer me.
Molly: Corrina's husband went out for a carton of cigarettes and died. They all die. The TV said it.
Answer: Manny is struggling with her death and trying to care for Molly. In a moment of self denial and sadness, he just makes it up in hopes of tricking himself into thinking that everything is normal.