Quotes from Ralph Macchio movies and TV shows

Willie Brown: Oh, so the famous long island blues man come back for another visit, huh?
Eugene Martone: I have something that I think you'll be interested in.

Eugene Martone: Hey Willie, look at this hat. All I need is a Mississippi string tie and I'm ready to roll.
Willie Brown: Yeah, you need a lot more than that.

More Crossroads quotes

Daniel Larusso: I know you don't believe in fighting, but tournament karate isn't exactly fighting.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Not exactly ping-pong, either.

Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Inside you same place you karate come from.
Daniel Larusso: My karate comes from you.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Ah. Only root karate come from Miyagi. Just like bonsai choose own way grow because root strong you choose own way do karate same reason.
Daniel Larusso: I do it your way.
Mr. Kesuke Miyagi: Hai. One day you do own way.

Daniel Larusso: You know, this is the 80s, Mr. Miyagi. You can't be so damn passive.

Daniel LaRusso: Hey, I'm not going to fight. You can't make me fight!
Terry Silver: You don't have to. You can just stand there and let him kick your ass!

More The Karate Kid III quotes

Chozen: Your teacher need a hearing aid. Maybe you need one too.
Daniel: I only hear what's worth listening to.

Daniel: Thought anymore about dance school?
Kumiko: I told you, no schools for that here.
Daniel: There are in the States.
Kumiko: My home is here.
Daniel: Home is where you hang your hat.
Kumiko: Do you think that I would like America?
Daniel: I think you'd love it.
Kumiko: Do you think that it would love me?
Daniel: Well, I know one part of it that already does.

More The Karate Kid Part II quotes

Daniel: You're the best friend I've ever had.
Miyagi: You... Pretty okay, too.

[Miyagi karate-chops the tops off three beer bottles.]
Daniel: How did you do that? How did you do that?
Miyagi: Don't know. First time.

Daniel: Why didn't you tell me?
Miyagi: Tell what?
Daniel: That you knew karate.
Miyagi: You not ask.
Daniel: Well, where'd you learn it?
Miyagi: Father.
Daniel: But I thought he was a fisherman.
Miyagi: In Okinawa, all Miyagi know two things: fish and karate.

Daniel: Hey, where did these old cars come from?
Miyagi: Detroit.

Lucille Larusso: Look at those palm trees. Damn! You know what that means?
Daniel: Yeah. Watch out for falling coconuts.

Daniel: When do I learn how to punch?
Miyagi: Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?

Daniel: Wouldn't a fly swatter be easier?
Miyagi: Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.
Daniel: Ever catch one?
Miyagi: Not yet.

Daniel: This school sucks, man. Sucks.

Ali Mills: He thinks he can do whatever he wants to people.
Daniel LaRusso: Who?
Ali Mills: Johnny. I'd love to see him get a douse of his own medicine.
Daniel LaRusso: Well, you know, what goes around comes around.
Ali Mills: I'd love to be there when it does.
Daniel LaRusso: Yeah, me too.

More The Karate Kid quotes

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