Quotes from Naomi Watts movies and TV shows

Cristina Peck: You know what I thought when mom died? I couldn't understand how you could talk to people again, how you could laugh... again. I couldn't understand how you could play with us. And no, no that's a lie, life does not just go on.

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Lil: You are the only one who hasn't behaved badly.
Roz: Then it probably is my fault.

Lil: It was just important for us to know it hadn't gone away. That it was still alive. Christ, I felt like I would suffocate if I didn't have it.

Lil: She's known him since he was a baby.
Tom: Then they've probably been thinking about it for quite a while... wouldn't you say?

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Jake: Oh my gosh! How do you know Mike Shiner?
Lesley: We share a vagina.

Lesley: Why don't I have any self respect?
Laura: You're an actress, honey.

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Susan Carpenter: We are not murdering the police commissioner and that is final.

Susan Carpenter: I need a Nemesis Vanquish 7.62 with a Litton Ranger Night Vision scope, a suppressor and three extra ten-round detachable mags. Think you can handle that, or should I take my business elsewhere?
Big Ed: Suppressors are illegal for civilian use.
Susan Carpenter: Let's see what Dominic has to say about that? Yeah, Dominic. Look, chief, all due respect, I got a plane to catch. So why don't you just name your price and I'll get out of your hair?

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Karen: I can't have sex with you. It'd be dangerous.
Davis: There's that word again. Is Carl really out of town, or did you just chop him up into little pieces and stuff him in your sock drawer?
Karen: That's ridiculous. I don't have a sock drawer.
Davis: Well... where do you keep all your socks?
Karen: In the same drawer as my underwear.
Davis: What? I just... You know, I just think a woman's underwear is deserving of its own space.

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Diana: I want to tell you something confidential.
Christiaan Barnard: I'm very good at keeping secrets - except my own.

Hasnat Khan: Love is a garden. If you can't smell the fragrance, don't come into the garden of love.
Diana: Who said that?
Diana: Rumi. Persian poet. 13th century.

Diana: I'm very fond of foxes.
Dodi Fayed: Why so?
Diana: They're like me. We've all escaped from the Windsors.

Diana: Dramatic? My whole life has been dramatic. It's been full of the sound of people shutting doors on me. You say you love me, you'll always love me. Well, there's about five billion people on this planet who can say that! But is there one who can stay with me?

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Will Atenton: How did she die, Ann? Tell me how she died.
Ann Patterson: Libby loved you. She'd want you to let her go. You have to let her go now, Peter.

More Dream House quotes

Anna: Why are you doing this, why are you helping us?
Nikolai Luzhin: I can't become king if someone else already sits on the throne.

Anna: How did you get in here?
Semyon: There are always open doors, Anna Ivanovna.

Anna: So you've read the diary. How can you keep doing what you're doing?
Nikolai Luzhin: I'm just a driver.

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