Brad Whitewood Sr.: You scared yet? You oughta be.
Terry: I'm not scared of you.
Brad Whitewood Sr.: You scared yet? No?
Jerome Lurie: Ma'am, I don't know how to tell you this.
Anita Crown: Tell me what?
Jerome Lurie: Well, your claim is worthless without your husband alive. See for yourself... second paragraph. Now ma'am, I'm sorry but it's the law. Surely you understand that.
Anita Crown: Yes, I understand that. I was worthless until I married. So now, I guess I'm worthless as a widow. Funny, I had some value as a whore.
Anita Crown: If your laws don't include me, well then, they don't apply to me either.
Idgie Threadgoode: You're never gonna jump, are you?
Ruth: Don't you ever say never to me.
Frank Bennett: Well, hello there, miss. And who might you be?
Idgie Threadgoode: Towanda, to you. Who're you?
Frank Bennett: Oh, ah, Frank Bennett's the name, Miss... ah, Towanda.
Idgie Threadgoode: Hmm.
Frank Bennett: I must say, you are looking mighty fine today.
Idgie Threadgoode: You a politician, or does lying just run in your family?
Idgie Threadgoode: I can't believe he swore on the Bible.
Ruth: Well, if that judge had looked any closer, he'd have seen that it was a copy of Moby Dick.
Ruth: I've been thinkin', maybe I should move on because of Frank and all. I just... don't want you to feel like you have to look out for us. I just don't want to be selfish, that's all. Maybe if I wasn't here you'd settle down.
Idgie Threadgoode: I'm as settled as I ever hope to be.
Idgie Threadgoode: See, now is a time for courage. I guess you already know that there are angels masquerading as people walking around this planet and your mom was the bravest one of those.
Idgie Threadgoode: That's right, you gump-face, blown up, baboon-assed bastard.
Little Idgie Threadgoode: What if God made a mistake?
Buddy Threadgoode: Well the way I see it is He doesn't make mistakes. I mean, He made sure we got together, didn't He?
Penny Henderson: I told Dexter not to smoke. If you ask me, they oughta put warning labels on those packages.
Watts: Because I'm driving you crazy and you're driving me crazy and I'd rather not see you and have you think good things about me than have you see me and hate me. 'Cause I can't afford to have you hate me, Keith. The only things I care about in this goddamn life are me and my drums and you.
Ray: So you gotta hang around for an hour?
Watts: If I feel like it.
Ray: You know how much damage we could do to each other in an hour?
Watts: It's kind of a revolting thought, actually.
Ray: Really? What's revolting mean?
Watts: Oh, God. Get your hands off me, man.
Ray: Does that mean you wanna come over?
Watts: Don't go mistaking paradise for a pair of long legs.
Keith Nelson: You can't tell a book by its cover.
Watts: No, but you can tell how much it's gonna cost you.
Keith Nelson: Wow, I never knew you were so deep.
Watts: You want shallow, call Amanda Jones.
Watts: I think it's hip that you paint. I think it's hip that I drum. And it's perfect that we're friends.
Watts: Get your skag and let's go.
Watts: You couldn't score her in a million years. A, you're too shy and closed up to even approach her, and B, she'd kill you.
Watts: It's better to swallow pride than blood.
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